Exercise induced pro-reparative M2 macrophages polarization and created a demethylated environment. A. Schematic representation of the ApoE-/- mice exercise model. B-D. Representative images and quantification of atherosclerotic area in cross-sections of aortic root of ApoE-/- mice by HE (B), Oil Red O staining (C) and Masson (D). Scale 200 μm; 10 mice per group. E. Representative flow cytometric graph and quantification of CD206 macrophages in isolated aortic root plaque macrophages of ApoE-/- mice. 10 mice per group. F. qRT-PCR analysis of M2-like genes (left) and M1-like genes (right) in isolated aortic root plaque macrophages. 8 mice per group. G. Representative immunofluorescence co-staining images for macrophage maker F4/80 and M2 macrophage maker CD206 in aortic root plaques of ApoE-/- mice, with quantification of CD206 intensity. 10 mice per group. Scale 20 µm. n represents number of independent samples. H. Western blot analysis of protein expression level of H3K36me3 in isolated aortic root plaque macrophages of ApoE-/- mice, with quantification of proteins. 8 mice per group. I, J. Representative images of immunofluorescence co-staining for H3K36me3 together with macrophage maker F4/80 (I) and M2 macrophage maker CD206 (J) in aortic root plaques from ApoE-/- mice, with quantification of H3K36me3 intensity. 10 mice per group. Scale 20 µm. All data are shown as mean ± SD. Data were analyzed by two-tailed Student's t-test.