Fig. 4. Correlation between Fe3+/∑Fe and recycled carbonate signatures for Cenozoic intraplate basalts from EC.
Corrected Fe3+/∑Fe values versus CaO/Al2O3 (A), Hf/Hf* (B), Ti/Ti* (C), Zr/Nd (D), δ26Mg (E), and δ66Zn (F). Fe3+/∑Fe values are corrected for olivine crystal fractionation or accumulation. Legend and data source are same as Fig. 3. The orange diamond represents multiphase diamond inclusion (11-ON-ZIZ) from Huang et al. (5). Hf/Hf* = HfN/(SmN × NdN)0.5; Ti/Ti* = TiN/(NdN−0.055 × SmN0.333 × GdN0.722); δ26Mg = (26Mg/24Mg)sample/(26Mg/24Mg)DSM3 − 1) × 1000; δ66Zn = (66Zn/64Zn)sample/(66Zn/64Zn)JMC 3-0749L − 1) × 1000.