Table 4.
GEE interaction analysis result (β) (95% CI, lower, upper) of related factors for association of TBL cancer incidence, mortality and air pollutants in different age groups.
TBL cancer incidence in 20+ | TBL cancer mortality in 20+ | TBL cancer incidence in 20-54 | TBL cancer mortality in 20-54 | TBL cancer incidence in 55+ | TBL cancer mortality in 55+ | |
NDVI*OZONE | 0.026(0.015,0.037)* | 0.025(0.014,0.036)* | 0.034(0.0260.042)*** | 0.039(0.024,0.055)* | 0.034(0.025,0.042)*** | 0.034(0.026,0.042)* |
PM2.5*HDI | -0.324(-0.177,-0.471)* | -0.351(-0.484,-0.219)** | -0.110(0.006,-0.226) | -0.283(-0.105,-0.461) | -0.081(0.062,-0.224) | -0.110(-0.006,0.226) |
PM2.5*EDU | -0.229(-0.168,-0.289)*** | -0.249(-0.193,-0.305)*** | -0.108(-0.059,-0.157)* | -0.216(-0.134,-0.298)** | -0.087(-0.027,-0.147) | -0.108(-0.059,-0.157)* |
PM2.5*SMOKE | 2.710(1.510,3.910)* | 2.710(1.640,3.780)* | 0.751(-0.106,1.526) | -0.235(0.765,-1.235) | 0.807(-0.333,1.947) | 0.751(-0.065,1.567) |
MaxNDVI*HDI | 2.067(-13.329,17.463) | -5.383(8.692,-19.458) | -25.053(-13.052,-37.054)* | -64.227(-18.502,-82.794)*** | -24.50(12.00,37.00) | -25.053(-13.052,-37.054)* |
Models in first four rows were adjusted for GDP, population density, mean temperature, annual precipitation, and population density. In italicized MaxNDVI with HDI, model were adjusted for Mean temperature and Annual precipitation; “*” Indicates significant p-interaction values and is reported if p-int < 0.05; “**” Indicates significant p-interaction values and is reported if p-int < 0.01; “***” Indicates significant p-interaction values and is reported if p-int < 0.001. Note: age groups (over 20 years, 20–54 years, and over 55 years).