Fig. 6. OTS-228 cross-protects against SARS-CoV-2 BA.5 challenge infections and limits transmission.
a, Omicron BA.5 challenge infection of OTS-228-vaccinated Syrian hamsters (M. auratus, male, 12 weeks old). Data obtained from n = 8 hamsters per group (OTS-228 and mock) and n = 3 naïve contact animals (direct contact to OTS-228 group) from one experiment. Overview created with b,c, Mortality (b) and body weight loss (c) were prevented by OTS-228 vaccination; OTS-228 group (1–5 dpc n = 8; 6–14 dpc n = 3); mock group (1–2 dpc n = 8; 3–5 dpc n = 7; 6–14 dpc n = 3); OTS-228 contact animals (1–14 dpc n = 3). d,e, Shedding of Omicron BA.5 virus genome was significantly reduced in the OTS-228-vaccinated animals (d) (OTS-228 group (1, 2, 4 dpc n = 8; 8, 12 dpc n = 3), mock group (1, 2 dpc n = 8; 4 dpc n = 7; 8, 12 dpc n = 3), OTS-228 contact animals (1, 2, 4, 8, 12 dpc n = 3)) and in the respiratory organ samples (e) at 5 dpc (OTS-228 group n = 5, mock group n = 4 (samples from 2 dpc animal excluded)). Organ samples of the 14 dpc group (Supplementary Fig. 4) confirmed virus clearance at this timepoint in contrast to the mock group, which still exhibited virus genome in conchae and lung samples. f, Serological evaluation confirmed reduced transmission to naïve contact animals. g, Evaluation of the post-challenge humoral immune response showed broad neutralization capacity of OTS-228 against WTD614G, but also against Omicron BA.2 and BA.5, while control sera only reacted against Omicron BA.5 (bars indicate mean ± s.e.m.). Statistical significance was assessed using two-sided, unpaired, non-parametric multiple t-test with Mann–Whitney test (compared ranks, 95% CI) (c–e and g). Violin plots in d and e show individual samples with means (middle lines).