Fig. 2. Static and transient SHG polarimetry.
a, Temperature-dependent static SHG signal on an enantiopure domain of exfoliated NiI2 collected in both parallel- (blue) and cross- (red) polarized detection configurations. The insets show the anisotropic SHG signal both above and below the transition temperature THM ≈ 60 K. b, Temperature-dependent oscillatory tr-SHG measurements on NiI2 taken at an incident pump fluence of 1.10 mJ cm−2 with the probe perpendicular to the C2-axis (ϕ = 0°) in the cross-polarized configuration. The oscillator energy matches the C2-odd electromagnon, EMo (Extended Data Fig. 2). c,e, The anisotropic tr-SHG signal at a pump–probe delay time of 1.9 ps (blue) and 2.2 ps (red) for both parallel- (c) and cross-polarized (e) detection configurations. d,f, The anisotropic tr-SHG signal is shown as a function of pump–probe delay time and the probe polarization angle ϕ for both parallel- (d) and cross-polarized (f) detection configurations. The data were collected with an incident pump fluence of 1.65 mJ cm−2 at 2.4 K. a.u., arbitrary units.