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. 2024 Jul 31;10:e52019. doi: 10.2196/52019

Table 2. Social demographic characteristics and health-related quality of life measures of the 26,269 participants in Weifang, China (2018-2019).

Variable Total sample (N=26,269) Sample 1 (n=13,078) Sample 2 (n=13,191) Chi-square (df) P value
Basic information
Sex, n (%) 0.29 (1) .60
Male 13,573 (51.7) 6779 (51.8) 6794 (51.5)
Female 12,696 (48.3) 6299 (48.2) 6397 (48.5)
Age (years), mean (SD) 55.9 (14.9) 56.0 (14.8) 55.8 (14.9) 0.90 (1) .37
BMI, n (%) 0.64 (3) .42
Normal weight 11,498 (43.8) 5674 (43.4) 5824 (44.2)
Underweight 1445 (5.5) 723 (5.5) 722 (5.5)
Overweight 9783 (37.2) 4940 (37.8) 4843 (36.7)
Obesity 3543 (13.5) 1741 (13.3) 1802 (13.7)
Education, n (%) 0.14 (3) .71
Illiterate 4156 (15.8) 2094 (16.0) 2062 (15.6)
Primary school 7192 (27.4) 3512 (26.9) 3680 (27.9)
Junior middle school 9881 (37.6) 4952 (37.9) 4929 (37.4)
Senior middle school or more 5040 (19.2) 2520 (19.3) 2520 (19.1)
Marital status, n (%) 0.01 (2) .93
Married 22,934 (87.3) 11,430 (87.4) 11,504 (87.2)
Unmarried 840 (3.2) 389 (3.0) 451 (3.4)
Divorced/widowed 2495 (9.5) 1259 (9.6) 1236 (9.4)
Average income (¥)a, n (%) 1.89 (3) .17
<5000 10,378 (39.5) 5189 (39.7) 5189 (39.3)
5000‐9999 4721 (18.0) 2374 (18.2) 2347 (17.8)
10,000‐29,999 6664 (25.4) 3281 (25.1) 3383 (25.7)
30,000 or more 4506 (17.2) 2234 (17.1) 2272 (17.2)
Residence, n (%) 0.29 (1) .59
Rural 12,584 (47.9) 6243 (47.7) 6341 (48.1)
Urban 13,685 (52.1) 6835 (52.3) 6850 (51.9)
Physical activity, n (%) 1.74 (1) .19
No 3813 (14.5) 1936 (14.8) 1877 (14.2)
Yes 22,456 (85.5) 11,142 (85.2) 11,314 (85.8)
Smoking, n (%) 0.02 (1) .88
No 20,617 (78.5) 10,259 (78.4) 10,358 (78.5)
Yes 5652 (21.5) 2819 (21.6) 2833 (21.5)
Drinking, n (%) 2.03 (1) .15
No 19,834 (75.5) 9924 (75.9) 9910 (75.1)
Yes 6435 (24.5) 3154 (24.1) 3281 (24.9)
Self-reported disease, n (%) 0.07 (1) .79
No 18,319 (69.7) 9130 (69.8) 9189 (69.7)
Yes 7950 (30.3) 3948 (30.2) 4002 (30.3)
Self-reported injury, n (%) 0.92 (1) .34
No 25,661 (97.7) 12,787 (97.8) 12,874 (97.6)
Yes 608 (2.3) 291 (2.2) 317 (2.4)
Health-related quality of life
General health status, n (%) 0.65 (4) .42
Excellent 5773 (21.9) 2825 (21.6) 2948 (22.4)
Very good 12,890 (49.1) 6440 (49.2) 6450 (48.9)
Good 5480 (20.9) 2768 (21.2) 2712 (20.6)
Fair 2001 (7.6) 988 (7.6) 1013 (7.7)
Poor 125 (0.5) 57 (0.4) 68 (0.5)
Days of poor physical health 0.17 (1) .68
Mean (SD) 1.0 (4.8) 1.1 (4.9) 1.0 (4.7)
Median (IQR) 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0)
Days of poor mental health 0.14 (1) .75
Mean (SD) 0.5 (3.1) 0.5 (3.1) 0.5 (3.1)
Median (IQR) 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0)
Days of usual activities limitation, n (%) 2.07 (3) .15
0 25,583 (97.4) 12,711 (97.2) 12,872 (97.6)
1‐6 112 (0.8) 126 (1.0) 97 (0.7)
7‐14 104 (0.4) 54 (0.4) 50 (0.4)
15 359 (1.4) 187 (1.4) 172 (1.3)
Days of self-care limitation, n (%) 4.38 (3) .04
0 25,887 (98.6) 12,868 (98.4) 13,019 (98.7)
1‐6 132 (0.5) 70 (0.5) 62 (0.5)
7‐14 63 (0.2) 35 (0.3) 28 (0.2)
≥15 187 (0.7) 105 (0.8) 82 (0.6)

A currency exchange rate of ¥1=US $0.14 is applicable.