Fig. 2. Clinical and radiological characterisation of MOG antibody-associated optic neuritis.
A Bilateral optic nerve head swelling and oedema visualised on fundoscopy in a patient with a first presentation of MOGAD. B Unilateral left optic nerve T2 hyperintensity (arrow) (Cor T2). C Unilateral right sided longitudinally extensive optic neuritis (arrow) with associated T2 hyperintensity and swelling (Ax T2). D During acute left optic neuritis, swelling resulted in increased periparillary retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL – yellow) thickness on optical coherence tomography. E Bilateral optic neuritis (arrows) with marked T2 hyperintensity (Cor T2 FS). F Bilateral longitudinally extensive optic neuritis (arrows) with gadolinium enhancement (Ax T1 FS Gad). G Visual field testing with dense peripheral constriction and relative central sparing in a pattern strongly suggestive of optic perineuritis. H Right optic perineuritis (arrow) with optic nerve sheath inflammation and enhancement (Cor T1 FS Gad). I Right optic perineuritis with extension of enhancement into intraorbital fat (arrow) (Cor T1 FS Gad). Figure 1A, G was reproduced from Ramanathan et al. [63] with permission from John Wiley and Sons. Ax axial, Cor coronal, FS fat suppressed, Gad gadolinium enhancement, MOGAD myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease, OS oculus sinister (left eye), RNFL retinal nerve fibre layer.