Fig. 4.
Humoral immune response induced by PPV-VLPs in vivo. BALB/c mice (n = 7 per group) were immunized with different PPV-VLPs. Blood samples were collected to detect the production antibodies. Endotoxin content analysis of PPV-VLPs produced from BL21-W-VP2 and BL21-DeE-VP2 cells. (a) Schematic of mouse immune studies; (b) The image of PPV-VLPs after endotoxin content detection; (c) Quantitative analysis of endotoxin content of PPV-VLPs. (d) Serum concentrations of VP2-specific IgG was measured following two rounds of immunization with BL21-DeE-VLP, BL21-W-VLP, ReE-VLP, and PBS; (e) IgG antibody titers to VP2 in the sera of immunized mice was tested by ELISA; (f) Neutralizing antibody titers to PPV in the sera of immunized mice was measured by live-virus assay. Data are presented as mean ± SEM (n = 7)