Detection of PARP, DFF, and caspase-3 processing in vBSΔ27-infected HEp-2 cells. vBSΔ27 was inactivated by exposure to UV light as described in Materials and Methods. Whole cell extracts (WCE) prepared from mock-infected cells (M) or cells infected with vBSΔ27 (Δ) and UV-inactivated vBSΔ27 (Δuv) at 6 and 24 hpi in the absence of or at 24 hpi in the presence (+) of CHX were used for immunoblot analyses with anti-PARP, anti-DFF, and anti-caspase-3 antibodies. “116” and “85” denote full-length (116,000-molecular-weight) and processed (85,000-molecular-weight) PARP, respectively.