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. 2024 Aug 8;7(8):e2162. [Article in Spanish] doi: 10.1002/cnr2.2162


Baseline characteristics for patients ≥40 years, stratified by center volume and facility type.

Center volume (%) Facility type (%)
Overall Low ≤91% High >91% p Community Academic p
n 14 593 7004 7589 4885 9708
Facility type (%) Community program 4885 (33.5) 4227 (60.4) 658 (8.7) <0.001
Academic program 9708 (66.5) 2777 (39.6) 6931 (91.3)
Center volume (%) Low volume ≤91% 7004 (48.0) 4227 (86.5) 2777 (28.6) <0.001
High volume >91% 7589 (52.0) 658 (13.5) 6931 (71.4)
Age at diagnosis (median [IQR]) 60.0 [50.0, 70.0] 62.0 [52.0, 73.0] 58.0 [49.0, 67.0] <0.001* 62.0 [52.0, 73.0] 59.0 [50.0, 68.0] <0.001*
Sex (%) Male 7646 (52.4) 3664 (52.3) 3982 (52.5) 0.862 2557 (52.3) 5089 (52.4) 0.944
Female 6947 (47.6) 3340 (47.7) 3607 (47.5) 2328 (47.7) 4619 (47.6)
Race (%) White 12 526 (86.8) 6030 (87.0) 6496 (86.6) 0.887 4336 (89.5) 8190 (85.4) <0.001
Black 1171 (8.1) 553 (8.0) 618 (8.2) 279 (5.8) 892 (9.3)
Asian 457 (3.2) 220 (3.2) 237 (3.2) 147 (3.0) 310 (3.2)
Other 284 (2.0) 132 (1.9) 152 (2.0) 83 (1.7) 201 (2.1)
Ethnicity (%) NonSpanish/NonHispanic 11 954 (85.8) 5815 (88.6) 6139 (83.3) <0.001 4008 (86.6) 7946 (85.4) 0.057
Spanish/Hispanic 1976 (14.2) 745 (11.4) 1231 (16.7) 619 (13.4) 1357 (14.6)
Insurance (%) Uninsured 682 (4.9) 325 (4.7) 357 (5.0) <0.001 238 (5.0) 444 (4.8) <0.001
Private 6459 (46.0) 2886 (42.0) 3573 (49.7) 2046 (42.8) 4413 (47.6)
Medicaid 1355 (9.6) 548 (8.0) 807 (11.2) 330 (6.9) 1025 (11.1)
Medicare 5375 (38.3) 3032 (44.2) 2343 (32.6) 2116 (44.2) 3259 (35.2)
Other 176 (1.3) 73 (1.1) 103 (1.4) 52 (1.1) 124 (1.3)
Charlson Comorbidity Index (%) 0 10 437 (71.5) 4825 (68.9) 5612 (73.9) <0.001 3385 (69.3) 7052 (72.6) <0.001
1 or 2 3731 (25.6) 1949 (27.8) 1782 (23.5) 1347 (27.6) 2384 (24.6)
3 425 (2.9) 230 (3.3) 195 (2.6) 153 (3.1) 272 (2.8)
Median income (%) <$38 000 2548 (17.5) 1209 (17.4) 1339 (17.7) <0.001 854 (17.6) 1694 (17.5) <0.001
38 000–47 999 3261 (22.5) 1585 (22.7) 1676 (22.2) 1173 (24.1) 2088 (21.6)
48 000–62 999 4004 (27.6) 2016 (28.9) 1988 (26.3) 1435 (29.5) 2569 (26.6)
≥63 000 4711 (32.4) 2158 (31.0) 2553 (33.8) 1400 (28.8) 3311 (34.3)
Education; no HS degree (%) ≥21.0% 2961 (20.4) 1308 (18.8) 1653 (21.9) <0.001 1007 (20.7) 1954 (20.2) 0.741
13.0%–20.9% 3558 (24.5) 1725 (24.7) 1833 (24.3) 1199 (24.6) 2359 (24.4)
7.0%–12.9% 4590 (31.6) 2283 (32.7) 2307 (30.5) 1539 (31.6) 3051 (31.6)
<7.0% 3425 (23.6) 1660 (23.8) 1765 (23.4) 1122 (23.1) 2303 (23.8)
Urban/rural (%) Metro 12 032 (82.5) 5698 (81.4) 6334 (83.5) 0.003 3826 (78.3) 8206 (84.5) <0.001
Rural 642 (4.4) 336 (4.8) 306 (4.0) 268 (5.5) 374 (3.9)
Urban 1919 (13.2) 970 (13.8) 949 (12.5) 791 (16.2) 1128 (11.6)
Distance from clinic (%) >100 miles 1347 (9.3) 217 (3.1) 1130 (14.9) <0.001 218 (4.5) 1129 (11.7) <0.001
10–100 miles 7430 (51.1) 2871 (41.1) 4559 (60.3) 2101 (43.2) 5329 (55.1)
10 miles or less 5763 (39.6) 3891 (55.8) 1872 (24.8) 2550 (52.4) 3213 (33.2)

Note: p‐values were calculated from Chi‐square test with Yate's correction, unless marked with an asterix (*), which were calculated from Kruskal–Wallis rank sum test. p‐values <0.05 were considered significant and were bolded.