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. 2019 Jun 7;7(3):10.1128/microbiolspec.bai-0014-2019. doi: 10.1128/microbiolspec.bai-0014-2019



Overview of CUP of pilus assembly and mode of action of antivirulence compounds. (A) Sec transports unfolded subunits of the pilus structure into the periplasmic space. (B, C, G, H) Pilus subunits interact with the pilus type-specific chaperone and fold. (D) Chaperone-subunit complexes interact with the N terminus of the pilus usher. (E) Secreted subunits, bound together through donor strand exchange, form the pilus. (F) Small-molecule inhibitors, mannosides and galactosides, antagonize interactions between the adhesive tip of the pilus and its ligand. Pilicides bind to the chaperone (I) and interrupt the interaction between chaperone and the N terminus of the usher (J). Image and caption are adapted from reference 31.