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. 2024 Jul 30;24(15):4924. doi: 10.3390/s24154924
Acc accuracy
ASROs areas with severe operating restrictions
BDGD distributor’s geographic database
BS batch size
CAPES National Council for the Improvement of Higher Education
CE cross-entropy
CNN convolutional neural network
CNPq National Council for Scientific and Technological Development
CUs consumer units
DL deep learning
DT decision tree
IOU intersection over union
LF loss function
LR learning rate
LULC land use/land cover
NIR near-infrared
NTL non-technical losses
OSM OpenStreetMap
RF random forest
ReLU rectified linear unit
RGB red, blue, and green
ROI region of interest
SCL scene classification map
SIG-R Regulatory Geographic Information System for energy distributors in Brazil
SVM support vector machine
SWIR shortwave infrared