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. 2024 Jul 23;103(4):e209679. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000209679

Table 4.

Combined VBM Results Showing Posterior Cortical Atrophy and Alzheimer Disease Shared Brain Regions in Which GM Volume Reductions Were Associated With Lower Visuoperceptual, Visuospatial and Cognitive Factor Scores

k p FWE T x y z Brain region
Visuoperceptual-early 2,038 0.0003 6.66 8 −75 −2 Right lingual gyrus
0.0003 6.64 10 −74 20 Right intracalcarine cortex
0.0003 6.48 11 −69 −4 Right occipital fusiform gyrus
27 0.0014 5.99 42 −93 20 Right occipital pole
26 0.0050 5.64 51 −80 8 Right lateral occipital cortex
58 0.0169 5.26 36 −46 6 Right medial temporal gyrus
Visuospatial-early 120 0.0035 5.78 40 −36 34 Right supramarginal gyrus
44 0.0020 6.02 50 −62 24 Right lateral occipital cortex
28 0.0140 5.28 30 −54 44 Right superior parietal lobule
21 0.0186 5.18 46 −28 30 Right parietal operculum
17 0.0139 5.28 6 −46 50 Right precuneus
Cognitive 69 0.0051 5.56 −46 −42 33 Left supramarginal gyrus
60 0.0067 5.46 −42 −48 38 Left angular gyrus
60 0.0107 5.30 −56 −57 −2 Left medial temporal gyrus
55 0.0411 4.85 −45 −46 18 Left inferior temporal gyrus
24 0.0143 5.20 −39 −70 −28 Left lateral occipital cortex

Abbreviations: GM = grey matter; k = cluster size; PFWE = family-wise error corrected p value (p < 0.05); VBM = voxel-based morphometry; x, y, z = peak-voxel Montreal Neurological Institute coordinates.