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. 2024 Aug 8;10(9):e1693. doi: 10.1097/TXD.0000000000001693


Organ donation-related knowledge and attitudes among barrier investigation survey respondents (n = 514) by organ donation registration status

Total, N (%) Organ donation registration status P
Registered, N (%) Not registered, N (%)
514 (100) 97 (19) 417 (81)
 Overall score, 12 items, % correct, median (IQR) 42 (25–58) 50 (42–58) 42 (25–58) <0.0001
 You can save up to 8 lives by donating your organs after death 0.001
  Correct 296 (58) 71 (73) 225 (54)
 No one in the US dies waiting for a transplant because of not receiving an organ in time 0.005
  Correct 340 (66) 76 (78) 264 (63)
 The thought of my body being cut up or taken apart after I’m gone makes me feel uneasy <0.001
  Correct 331 (64) 84 (87) 247 (59)
 You cannot donate your organs if you have high blood pressure or diabetes 0.006
  Correct 182 (35) 46 (47) 136 (33)
Attitudes toward organ donation
 Positive attitude statements
  Organ donation is a charitable and noble act 0.16
   Agree 482 (94) 94 (97) 388 (93)
  Organ donation can help save lives and improve quality of life 0.82
   Agree 474 (92) 90 (93) 384 (92)
  My family would respect my wish to donate my organs after I pass away 0.001
   Agree 379 (74) 85 (88) 294 (71)
  Donating a body part would enable part of myself to remain alive after I am gone 0.008
   Agree 355 (65) 52 (54) 283 (68)
 Negative attitude statements
  My family would object if I registered as an organ donor 0.002
   Agree 216 (42) 27 (28) 189 (45)
  Organ donation leaves the body disfigured and incomplete 0.006
   Agree 218 (42) 29 (30) 189 (45)
  It is important for the body to be remained complete and buried intact <0.0001
   Agree 202 (39) 21 (22) 181 (43)
  The thought of my body being cut up or taken apart after I’m gone makes me feel uneasy <0.0001
   Agree 205 (40) 74 (76) 235 (56)
  It is uncomfortable to think or talk about organ donation 0.03
   Agree 158 (31) 21 (22) 137 (33)
Attitudes toward registration
 Registering will make me proud 0.004
  Yes 413 (80) 88 (91) 325 (78)
 Registering will make me uncomfortable <0.0001
  Yes 121 (23) 8 (8) 113 (27)
 If I could save someone’s life, I would do everything possible 0.03
  Agree 456 (89) 92 (95) 364 (87)
 Religion is an important part of my life 0.002
  Agree 270 (53) 65 (67) 205 (49)
 God/spirituality is an important part of my life 0.02
  Agree 279 (54) 63 (65) 216 (52)
 It is wrong to donate our organs because we should maintain our entire bodies, which our parents have given us 0.38
  Agree 107 (21) 17 (18) 90 (22)
 After a person passed away his/her spirits will watch over the descendants; therefore, it would be very disrespectful to damage the body by donating organs 0.31
  Agree 98 (19) 15 (16) 83 (20)

IQR, interquartile range.