Figure 1.
Ulp1-associated NPC promotes the dynamics of recombination-mediated fork restart. (A) Schematic of the RTS1-RFB locus on chromosome II. The position of the RTS1-RFB is indicated as thick blue bars. The directional RFB blocks the progression of right-moving forks that initiate from the left autonomously replicating sequence (ARS). The direction of unperturbed (RFB OFF) and perturbed replication (RFB ON) forks is indicated by the thickness of the arrows underneath. Light and dark gray bars indicate the progression of canonical rightward and leftward-moving forks, respectively. The blue bar indicates the progression of restarted replication forks mediated by homologous recombination. (B) Pu-Seq traces of the ChrII locus in RTS1-RFB OFF (top panel) and ON (bottom panel) conditions in WT and nup132Δ strains. The usage of Pol delta (in blue and black for WT and nup132Δ cells, respectively) are shown on the Watson and Crick strands. The usage of Pol epsilon (in red and orange for WT and nup132Δ cells, respectively) are shown on the Watson and Crick strands. Note the switch from Pol epsilon to Pol delta on the Watson strand at the RFB site (gray bar), which is indicative of a change in polymerase usage on the leading strand in RFB ON condition. The genomic location of the ARS, the RTS1-RFB and the ura4 marker are indicated by dashed lines, a gray line and a yellow line, respectively. (C) Graph of Pol delta/delta bias over both strands (Watson and Crick) around the RFB site in WT and two independent replicates of nup132Δ strains. The gray and yellow bars indicate the position of the RTS1-RFB and of the ura4 marker, respectively.