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. 2024 Jul 29;15:1436579. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2024.1436579

Table 1.

Hibernation factors bind some rRNA residues that mutate in drug-resistant ribosomes.

HPF residues that interact with rRNA residues whose mutations confer bacterial drug resistance
HPF residue rRNA contact Drugs that bind to the rRNA contact Model organism Resistance conferring mutations (compared to wild-type strain) References
Arg102 C795 (16S) Ede, Kas, Pac Halobacterium halobium C795U required 80 times more pactamycin (80 μM) to cause lethality. Mankin (1997)
His8, Ile40, Glu59 U965 (16S) Tet, Tig Helicobacter pylori A965G produced 100 times more colonies in the presence of 2 μg/mL of tetracycline. Dailidiene et al. (2002)
Ile40, Lys57, Glu59, Ile61, Phe70 G966 (16S) Tet, Tig Escherichia coli G966U required 4 times more tetracycline or tigecycline to arrest cell growth. Bauer et al. (2004) and Polikanov et al. (2014)
Ser46, Ala48 U1052 (16S) Tet, Tig, Neg Escherichia coli U1052G required approximately 4.5 times more negamycin to kill 50% of the population. Cocozaki et al. (2016)
Lys26 U1495 (16S) Ami, Gen, Hyg B, Neo, Vio Mycobacterium smegmatis U1495C and U1495A required 512 times more paromomycin, and lividomycin to arrest cell growth. Hobbie et al. (2006)
Lys26 C1496 (16S) Ami, Gen, Hyg B, Neo, Vio Mycobacterium smegmatis C1496U required 32 times more hygromycin B to arrest cell growth. Pfister et al. (2003)
Balon residues that interact with rRNA residues whose mutations confer bacterial drug resistance
Balon residue rRNA contact Drugs that bind to the rRNA contact Model organism Resistance conferring mutation (compared to wild-type strain) References
Glu26 C1409 (16S) Ami, Cap, Gen, Par, The Thermus thermophilus C1409G required 200 times more kanamycin to arrest cell growth. Pfister et al. (2005)
Mycobacterium smegmatis C1409U required at least 16 times more neomycin, gentamicin, tobramycin and kanamycin to arrest cell growth. Gregory et al. (2005)
G1491 (16S) Neo, Par, Cap Mycobacterium smegmatis G1491C required at least 512 times more paromomycin and lividomycin to arrest cell growth. Hobbie et al. (2006)
His27, Pro28 Mycobacterium smegmatis G1491A required 64 times more paromomycin to arrest cell growth. Kalapala et al. (2010)
Mycobacterium smegmatis G1491U required at least 512 times more paromomycin and geneticin to arrest cell growth. Pfister et al. (2005)
Gly296, Asn344, Asn345, Arg368 A1067 (23S) Thi Escherichia coli Ribosomes bearing A1067C and A1067U have ~65% lower thiostrepton affinity. Thompson et al. (1988)
Arg368, Tyr369 A1095 (23S) Thi Escherichia coli Ribosomes bearing A1095U or A1095C have significantly lower affinity for thiostrepton. Xu et al. (2002)
Gly176, Ser177, Asp178 A2451 (23S) Car, Chl, Cli, Dal, Pur, Spa, Tia, Vir Thermus thermophilus In a disc diffusion assay, A2451U showed no zone of inhibition to tiamulin and chloramphenicol. Killeavy et al. (2020)
Gly176, Ser177 C2452 (23S) Car, Chl, Cli, Dal, Pur, Spa, Tia, Vir Thermus thermophilus In a disc diffusion assay, C2452U showed no zone of inhibition to tiamulin. Killeavy et al. (2020)
Lys207 A2469 (23S) Avi, Eve Streptococcus pneumoniae A2469C required at least 16 times more avilamycin to arrest cell growth. Adrian et al. (2000)

Here, we list 13 rRNA residues that have the following two characteristics: (i) They participate in binding to both hibernation factors and antibiotics. (ii) And they undergo resistance-conferring mutations in clinical isolates or laboratory engineered bacterial strains. The abbreviations for the antibiotic names in the table are as follows: Ami, amikacin; Avi, avilamycin; Car, carbomycin; Cap, capreomycin; Chl, chloramphenicol; Cli, clindamycin; Dal, dalfopristin; Ede, edeine; Eve, evernimycin; Gen, gentamicin; Hyg, hygromycin B; Kas, kasugamycin; Neg, negamycin; Neo, neomycin; Pac, pactamycin; Par, paromomycin; Pur, puromycin; Spa, sparsomycin; Tet, tetracycline; The, thermorubin; Thi, Thiostrepton; Tia, tiamulin; Tig, tigecycline; Vir, virginiamycin; Vio, viomycin.