Figure 2.
A, B, Precision-weighted averages were used to combine words containing to violence, passivity, nonadherence, and noncompliance across the UCSF data set (A) and MIMIC-III data set (B) to show individual and comparative similarity in race and ethnicity base words and target thematic word groups. Each part of the figure demonstrates the association of individual race or ethnicity descriptor groups and the thematic group of words and the differences across the racial or ethnic groups themselves. Individual horizontal bars represent the bootstrap 95% CIs for cosine similarities within each individual race or ethnicity and a thematic group of words. For horizontal CIs, statistical significance (defined as a P < .05) was met if they did not cross the cosine similarity value of 0. Vertical brackets with asterisks represent whether a statistically different difference exists in the similarity or difference across different races or ethnicities relative to a specific thematic group of words. Asterisks represent statistical significance with P < .05 for vertical brackets. MIMIC-III = Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care III; UCSF = University of California, San Francisco.