a Brain reactivity to drug cues versus non-drug cues was acquired from 156 non-treatment-seeking chronic cocaine users (N=55), heavy alcohol users (N=53), and participants with current tobacco use disorder (N=48) (57). Analyses were done at the group level (panel A) and at the individual level (panel B). For k-means clustering, the K++ algorithm, 1000 repetitions, and random seeding were used. Of the entire sample of 156 individuals, 103 had at least one cluster that was significantly elevated to the drug versus neutral cues. As illustrated in panel C, for the group as a whole, the EEG 10-10 coordinate FPz had the largest percentage of hotspots within 2 cm (11%), 3 cm (19%), 4 cm (32%), and 5 cm (49%). FPz was also the best location for alcohol cues and tobacco-related cues. The hotspots associated with cocaine cue reactivity were closest to AF3, AF7, and AF5, likely driven by points in the anterior insula. BA=Brodmann area; MFG=middle frontal gyrus; SUD=substance use disorder.