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. 2023 Nov 16;38(10):1139–1153. doi: 10.1093/heapol/czad072

Table 2.

Multiple funding flows in the case study countries

Healthcare financing mechanism Purchaser Target population Provider payment method Services covered
Burkina Faso
(a) Tax-funded system Central Ministry of Health (MoH) Entire population Line-item budget Curative, preventive and promotive care
MoH Pregnant women, women of childbearing age, children under the age of 5 years Fee-for-service All services (except for chronic conditions) for children under the age of 5 years in the public facilities; for women: delivery, tests for cervical cancer, tests for breast cancer
Municipal governments Entire population Line-item budget Curative, preventive and promotive care
(b) Régime d’Assurance Maladie Universelle (Universal Health Insurance Scheme) Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie Universelle (Universal Health Insurance Fund—central) Pilot scheme in two districts Pregnant women and children under age of 5 years Case-based payments All maternal services and all services for children under the age of 5 years in public facilities
(c) Community Health Insurance NGOs and the network of CBHIs Entire population Fee-for-service All services provided at the district level
Case-base payments (in some instances)
(4) Private health insurance Insurance companies Those covered by insurance Fee-for-service
Case-base payments (in some instances)
Services specified in the insurance contract
(e) Système de partage de coûts (cost sharing system—a solidarity fund supported by community contributions) Health district (operated in a subset of districts) Entire population Fee-for-service Specific services provided at the district level (e.g. emergency surgery)
(e) Result-based financing (RBF) scheme The RBF national cell Entire population in 19 districts (pilot scheme) from a total of 70 districts Case-base payment (reward based on the number of services provided)
Performance payment (reward based on attainment of specific quality targets)
Essential primary health care services delivered at the levels of government-owned health centres and district hospitals. Four modalities implemented: in some districts (Group 1), the scheme only rewards attainments in terms of volume of services and quality targets. In other districts (Group 2), it also includes payment of the exemption policy for the identified poor and vulnerable (‘the indigents’) for whom providers receive twice the amount to be normally paid under the fee schedule. In a third group of districts (Group 3), there is an additional performance reward attached to the number of identified poor and vulnerable patients seen by the medical personnel. Last modality, a combo of Financement Basé sur les Résultats as in Group 3 and CBHI offered to the whole population, is implemented in a fourth group of districts (Group 4).
(f) OOP payments Individual households Entire population Fee-for-service All services
(a) Tax-funded system MoH Entire population Global budget Inpatient and outpatient services; promotive, curative and rehabilitative care; palliative services provided by public tertiary and secondary county referral hospitals
County Department of Health Population within county Line-item budget Inpatient and outpatient services; promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative care provided by county public health facilities
(b) NHIFa Civil servants’ contributions Officers of the civil service in national and county governments Fee-for-service Dental care, optical care, Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans for civil servants of all job groups; inpatient, outpatient, and maternity care for civil servants of higher job groups only
Capitation Outpatient services for civil servants of lower job groups
Case-based payment Maternity care for civil servants of lower job groups; renal dialysis, kidney transplant package, oncology package and surgical package for civil servants of all job groups
Per diem Inpatient services for civil servants of lower job groups
Police and corrective service officers Officers in the National Police Service and Kenya Prisons Service Fee-for-service Dental, optical care, CT and MRI scans for officers of all job groups; outpatient, inpatient services, maternity care for officers of higher job group
Capitation Outpatient services for officers of lower job groups
Case-based payments Maternal care for officers of lower job groups; renal dialysis, kidney transplant package, oncology package, surgical package for officers of all job groups
Per diem Inpatient services for officers of lower job groups
National scheme Any Kenyan of 18 years or older in the informal sector with no form of health insurance Fee-for-service MRI and CT scans; dental services
Capitation Outpatient services
Case-based payments Maternity care, renal dialysis, kidney transplant package, oncology package, surgical package
Per diem Inpatient services
Health insurance subsidy programme for the poor Indigent households or households with orphaned or vulnerable children, the elderly and persons with disabilities Fee-for-service MRI and CT scans, dental care
Capitation Outpatient services from contracted public or faith-based facilities
Case-based payments Maternity care, renal dialysis, kidney transplant package, oncology package, surgical package
Per diem Inpatient services
Free maternity service scheme Any pregnant woman without any form of health insurance who is a citizen of Kenya Case-based payments Maternity care at any public, faith-based or private facility
County government schemes Employees of county governments that have insurance with NHIF (14 out of the 47 counties) Capitation or fee-for-service depending on the contract between the health facility and NHIF Outpatient services
Per diem or fee-for-service depending on the contract between the health facility and NHIF Inpatient services
Case-based payments Maternity care, renal dialysis, kidney transplant package, oncology package, surgical package
Fee-for-service Dental and optical care; CT and MRI scans
Schemes for parastatals and private organizations Parastatals and private organizations that have insurance with NHIF Capitation or fee-for-service depending on the contract between the health facility and NHIF Outpatient services
Per diem or fee-for-service depending on the contract between the health facility and NHIF Inpatient services
Case-based payments Maternity care, renal dialysis, kidney transplant package, oncology package, surgical package
Fee-for-service Dental, optical care; CT and MRI scans
(c) CBHI scheme NGOs, CBHIs Principal contributor and declared dependants Fee-for-service Inpatient and outpatient care (chronic care often excluded) from contracted faith-based or private health facilities
(d) Private health insurance Private health insurance funds Private formal sector workers Fee-for-service with co-payments
All services listed in the benefit entitlements, including inpatient and outpatient services, optical and dental care from contracted faith-based or private health facilities
(e) OOP payments Individual households Those without insurance coverage or those with insurance that require co-payments Fee-for-service All services, including promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative care
(a) Tax-funded system Central MoH Entire population Line-item budget Inpatient and outpatient services, chronic care, radiology, laboratory tests, drugs
The scheme for the poor (Régime d’Assistance Médicale (RAMED)) Poor and vulnerable population (28% of the population) Line-item budget All services provided at hospitals and clinics
(b) SHI Compulsory health insurance—SHI fund (CNSS) Formal sector workers from the private sector Fee-for-service with co-payments Inpatient and outpatient services, chronic care, radiology, laboratory tests, drugs
Compulsory health insurance—National Union of Mutual Insurance Agencies (CNOPS) Formal sector workers from the public sector
(c) Mutual insurance Mutual insurance agencies Formal sector workers Fee-for-service with co-payments and ceilings All services provided at public and private hospitals and clinics
(d) Private insurance Private health insurance agencies Private formal sector workers Fee-for-service (with some ceilings and conditions) All services provided at public and private hospitals and clinics
(e) OOP payments Individual households The uninsured Fee-for-service Inpatient and outpatient services, drugs, consumables (used in treatment)
(a) Tax-funded system Federal MoH Entire population Global budget Preventive and curative services at the federal, state and local government levels
State MoH Line-item budget Preventive and curative services at state and local government levels
(b) SHI (formal sector SHI programme) NHIS Formal sector workers (less than 5% of the population) Capitation
Primary (mostly curative) services
Secondary and tertiary services
(c) CBHI Communities and HMOs Non-formal sector workers, voluntarily enrolled formal sector workers who are not covered by the Formal Sector SHI programme Capitation and fee-for service depending on individual schemes Mostly curative services
(d) OOP payments Individual households The uninsured User fees All types of services
(a) Tax-funded system MoH Entire population Line-item budget All services at public health facilities
(b) SHI National Health Insurance (CNAM) Formal sector workers (public and private) and their dependants (68% of the population) For the public sector: fee–for-service, up to an annual hospital ceiling (fees include medicines) with co-payments for vulnerable and CNAM affiliates All curative medical services, including some high-cost items, drugs and medical consumables
For the private sector: fee–for-service with co-payments (private and reimbursement affiliation) All curative medical services, including some high-cost items, drugs and medical consumables
(c) Mutual insurance Mutual insurance agencies Formal sector workers Fee-for-service (with ceilings and conditions) All services in the private sector
(d) Private insurance Private health insurance agencies Formal sector workers Fee-for-service (with ceilings and conditions) All services in the private sector
(e) OOP payments Individual households Those not in prepayment schemes who are not insured and those paying for services above the insurance ceiling or for services not available in the public sector or services that are not included in the list of interventions covered by the CNAM Fee-for-service All services, including promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative care
(a) Tax-funded system Central MoH and local government (DoH) Entire population Global budget Curative, preventive and promotive care
Line-item budget Preventive and promotive care
National Target programme (MoH) (e.g. Tuberculosis control) Entire population Line-item budget Activity based for the National Target programme (material inputs, incentive payments, information, education and communication activities, etc.)
(b) SHI Vietnam Social Security (Central) Entire population (86% enrolment in 2017) Fee-for-service with ceilings Curative services only (most diagnostic and therapeutic services that medical facilities provide and for which administrative user fees have been set; most drugs and medical consumables)
Capitation, based on historical expenditure in the previous year in each province (pilot stage) Outpatient services including referral to higher levels
(c) OOP payments Individual households Entire population (both non-insured and insured) Fee-for-service at government set rates Inpatient and outpatient curative services at all levels of healthcare facilities
Co-payments for health insurance reimbursement Benefit entitlements defined for health insurance
Individual households (for ‘on-demand’ services) Entire population (both non-insured and insured) Fee-for-service at higher than government set rates Inpatient and outpatient curative services at all levels of healthcare facilities

Services provided under the NHIF in Kenya are provided by contracted, public, faith-based or private health facilities unless specified.

Note: The healthcare financing mechanisms are categorized as follows: (a) tax-funded; (b) mandatory health insurance; (c) private, not-for-profit health insurance; (d) private, for-profit health insurance; (e) other type of financing scheme and (f) OOP payments.