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. 2024 Jul 25;21:E54. doi: 10.5888/pcd21.230449

Table 1. Weighted Sample Characteristics of US Children and Adolescents, by Treated Asthma Status, 2016–2021a .

Characteristic Children without treated asthma, % Children with treated asthma, % Unweighted no. (%) P valueb
Race and ethnicity
Hispanic 25.4 27.0 15,447 (25.5) <.001
Non-Hispanic Asian 5.4 3.7 2,094 (5.3)
Non-Hispanic Black 13.2 21.8 7,026 (13.7)
Non-Hispanic White 49.8 41.0 15,688 (49.4)
Non-Hispanic Otherc 6.2 6.7 2,607 (6.2)
Age, y
0-4 27.1 14.8 10,303 (26.5) <.001
5-14 55.2 66.1 24,977 (55.7)
15–17 17.7 19.1 7,582 (17.8)
Male 50.6 58.9 21,969 (51.0) <.001
Female 49.4 41.1 20,893 (49.0)
Health insurance coverage
Any private 60.6 50.4 19,955 (60.1) <.001
Public only 36.6 48.1 21,508 (37.2)
Uninsured 2.8 1.4 1,399 (2.7)
Family poverty statusd
Negative or poore 16.4 22.7 11,905 (16.7) <.001
Near poor 5.5 7.4 2,996 (5.6)
Low income 15.0 18.0 7,294 (15.2)
Middle income 30.0 24.7 11,203 (29.7)
High income 33.1 27.2 9,464 (32.8)
Northeast 15.7 19.6 5,968 (15.9) .002
Midwest 20.9 24.6 8,607 (21.1)
South 39.0 35.1 17,000 (38.8)
West 24.3 20.7 11,287 (24.2)
2016 16.7 18.4 9,211 (16.8) <.001
2017 16.6 18.7 8,158 (16.7)
2018 16.6 19.1 7,449 (16.7)
2019 16.8 16.7 6,558 (16.8)
2020 16.6 14.2 5,929 (16.4)
2021 16.8 12.9 5,557 (16.6)

a Data source: 2016–2021 Medical Expenditures Panel Survey. All estimates are pooled and weighted, adjusting for the complex survey design.

b Pearson χ2 test used to test differences.

c Includes American Indian, Alaska Native, and multiracial.

d Total family income is divided by the applicable federal poverty line based on family size and composition and classified as negative or poor (≤100%), near poor (>100%–125%), low income (>125%–200%), middle income (>200%–400%), or high income (>400%).

e Negative income is when an individual's total expenses exceed their total income.