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. 2024 Aug 12;12:RP88733. doi: 10.7554/eLife.88733

Figure 1. Dorsal periaqueductal gray (dPAG) single-unit recordings during risky foraging.

(A) Rats underwent pre-robot, robot, and post-robot sessions, successfully securing pellets in pre- and post-robot trials, and failing during robot trials due to robot interference. (B) Tetrode implantation in dPAG with a photomicrograph of the tip (arrowhead). (C) Outbound foraging time increased significantly in the robot session (Χ2 = 64.00, p<0.0001, Friedman test; ps<0.05 for all comparisons, Dunn’s test, n = 42 recording days from 5 rats). ***p<0.001 compared to pre-robot and post-robot sessions. #p<0.05 compared to the pre-robot session. (D) The pellet success rate significantly decreased during robot session (Χ2 = 84.00, p<0.0001, Friedman test; ps<0.0001 for all comparisons, Dunn’s test, n = 42 recording days from 5 rats). ***p<0.001 compared to pre-robot and post-robot sessions. (E) Cell-type proportions revealed that 23.4% cells responded to robot activation (robot cells). (F) Representative dPAG robot cell raster/event histograms aligned with robot activations. (G) Population activity of robot cells around the time of robot activation (t = 0) with 0.1 s and 1 s bins. Firing rates of the robot cells were higher during robot session (0–3 s blocks; Friedman test, all Χ2s > 6.952, all ps<0.05; Dunn’s test, all ps<0.05, n = 22 units). Shaded areas indicate SEM. **p<0.01 compared to pre-robot session. #, ##, and ### denote p<0.05, p<0.01, and p<0.001, respectively, compared to post-robot session. Panel (E) created with, and published using a CC BY-NC-ND license with permission.

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Figure 1.

Figure 1—figure supplement 1. Dorsal periaqueductal gray (dPAG) unit cell types.

Figure 1—figure supplement 1.

(A) Representative multiple single units recorded in the dPAG. (B) A subset (35.1%) of dPAG neurons showed increased firing rates in response to the robot, food pellet, or both, with 66.7% responding exclusively to the robot. Units were categorized based on z-score responses: ‘robot cells’ for z > 3 during robot phase and z < 3 during pre-robot phase; ‘pellet cells’ for z > 3 during pre-robot phase and z < 3 during robot phase; and ‘BOTH cells’ for z > 3 in both phases. Raster plots display activity of robot, pellet, and BOTH cells across pre-robot, robot, and post-robot sessions. (C, D) Average (C) and maximum (D) firing rates of dPAG robot cells during pre-robot, robot, and post-robot sessions (average firing rate: Χ2 = 7.636, p<0.05, Friedman test, p<0.05, Pre-robot vs. Robot, Dunn’s test, n = 22 units; maximum firing rate: Χ2 = 12.29, p<0.01, Friedman test; p<0.05, Pre-robot vs. Robot, Dunn’s test, n = 22 units). (E) One neuron showed decreased firing rates (z –3) in response to the robot during the robot phase. (F) Top row: mean firing rate (± SEM; shaded areas) of robot cells and movement speed (± SEM; shaded areas) of animals across sessions (n = 22 units). Bottom row: correlation coefficients between firing rate and movement speed for the robot cell group during each session. * and ** denote p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively.