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. 2024 Oct 2;4:14. Originally published 2024 Apr 2. [Version 2] doi: 10.3310/nihropenres.13571.2

Table 2. Protocol amendments since trial registration.

Original protocol Amended details Date of
Rationale for amendment
AM02 NSA02 iFraP intervention


Nested studies
Omission of iFraP clinical champion role

Patient variables described as ‘sex’ and ‘age’

[Interviews with primary care clinicians could
be completed in-person or remotely (by
telephone or Microsoft Teams)]
Additional detail about Clinical
Champion role included

Minor changes to variable names:
‘sex at birth’ and ‘age at invite’,
update Trial Manager and timeline

[Primary care clinician interview
method to remove face-to-face option]
Dec 2022 To describe FLS Clinical Champion role and
clarify patient variables

[The HRA queried the number of GP sites involved
in the study – this was not possible to predict
given that the location/site of each primary care
participant would not be known in-advance.
Given the geographical spread of potential
primary care practitioners, interviews were likely
to be remote.]
AM04 NSA04 Medical record

[Nested studies]
Discontinuation of osteoporosis medicines
in medical record review determined by
last date of prescription ≥ 6 weeks prior to
MRR = yes

[A member of the FLS clinical team to upload
consultation recording to Keele CTU]

[Informed consent for face-to-face interviews
to be gained in-person prior to interview]
Additional method of identifying
discontinuation in medical records: recorded
discontinuation in the
patient medical record = yes

[An NHS site staff member to upload
consultation recordings to Keele CTU]

[Informed consent for face-to-face
interviews can be obtained in-person
or remotely prior to interview]
April 2023 A review of medical records revealed that
discontinuation can be explicitly recorded (in
addition to only inferring from date prescription

[Greater flexibility required so that NHS research
teams can support the uploading of consultation
recordings, where needed.]

[iFraP-i clinicians can consent to interview and
consultation recording in one process. Remote
consent to additional data collection enables
consultation recordings to begin even if the
interview has yet to be scheduled.]
AM07 NSA 07 Patient
If a patient provides consent to be
contacted, Keele CTU send a study
recruitment pack containing
the consent form and baseline questionnaire, using
their preferred method. If the patient
does not return the consent form and/or
baseline questionnaire within an agreed
time window an FLS appointment will be
booked, as per normal NHS care.
A courtesy phone call to be made
with patients who consent to be
contacted but who do not return
the consent form and baseline
questionnaire within a defined time
window. If the patient cannot be
contacted by telephone, they will be
sent a reminder postcard.
August 2023 When reviewing recruitment rates, there
was evidence that a portion of patients were
consenting to contact but not returning the
consent form and/or baseline questionnaire.
This additional telephone call and/or postcard
aimed to improve consent rates.
AM08 NSA 08 Patient

Follow up
Patient identification: At a mid-point in
patient recruitment, the Data Monitoring
Committee (DMC) will examine the
characteristics of the patients recruited
to the trial to determine if the sample is
representative of the general population.
Dependant on results, NHS sites will be
asked to adapt their approach to focus
recruitment to underserved groups.

Follow up assessments: Non-responders to
the 2-week and/or 3 month questionnaires
will receive their first reminder after
approximately 10 days, as per their contact
Patient identification: Flexibility to
consider alternative approaches to
recruit underserved groups.

Follow up assessments: Non-
responders to 2-week and/or 3
month questionnaires, whose
preference is for online follow
ups, will be sent an additional
postal reminder if the follow up
questionnaire is not returned.
November 2023 The sample at interim review was 100% self-
reported White British. In efforts to address this
lack of diversity, an additional FLS site joined
the trial (from 3 sites to 4 sites). The FLS was
chosen because it served a larger proportion
of underserved groups, comparatively to other
enrolled FLSs. Wording was changed to allow
alternative approaches other than asking
NHS sites to adapt their approach to focus
recruitment to underserved groups, because
it was identified that this may be difficult if
ethnicity was not recorded well in medical

Recruitment and follow up rates were identified
as lower than expected. Additional postal
reminders for those completing online also
aimed to improve follow up rates.
AM09 SA09 Sample size The original target sample size was
328 patients to achieve 200 patients
completing the primary outcome at 2
weeks. Patients will be recruited during an
8-month recruitment period. End of study
date = September 2024
The amended target sample size
is 380 to achieve 200 patients
completing the primary outcome at
2 weeks. Patients will be recruited
during an 11-month recruitment
period. End of study date = May
The original sample target assumed that
approximately 32% of patients would not
receive a medicine recommendation (hence
for whom the primary outcome is not relevant)
and for 10% loss to follow-up in the primary
outcome at 2-weeks. Resulting in 200 patients
completing the primary outcome.

When reviewing recruitment and follow up
rates with the DMC and TSC, it was identified
that 27% of patients did not receive a medicine
recommendation, 20% loss to follow-up in the
primary outcome at 2-weeks and for 10% loss
due to ‘Do Not Attends’ (DNAs). A target sample
of 380 was required to meet 200 responses in
the primary outcome.

Amendments related to the process evaluation are provided in italics and square brackets.

Amendments 1, 3, 5 and 6 are not included here as they did not have implications for the trial protocol