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. 2024 Mar 5;4:7. [Version 1] doi: 10.3310/nihropenres.13522.1

Table 2. Participant characteristics at baseline.

Characteristics (n % unless otherwise
n 234
Women 198 (85%)
Age, years, mean (SD) 46 (10)
Systolic blood pressure, mmHg, mean (SD) 131 (14)
Diastolic blood pressure, mmHg, mean (SD) 80 (9)
Body mass index, kg/m 2 (IQR), n (%) 35 (32 - 40)
              Below 27 (South Asian ethnicity) 1 (<1%)
              27 to 29.9 32 (14%)
              30 to 34.9 80 (34%)
              35 to 39.9 58 (25%)
              40 or above 63 (27%)
England 149 (64%)
Scotland 71 (30%)
Wales 11 (5%)
Northern Ireland 3 (1%)
White 211 (90%)
South Asian 10 (4%)
Other Asian, Asian British 5 (2%)
Black, African, Caribbean or Black British 2 (1%)
Other or mixed ethnic group 6 (3%)
School leaver/standard grade/GCSE 28 (12%)
Highers/A levels 14 (6%)
Higher education HND/HNC/NVQs 47 (20%)
Undergraduate degree 87 (37%)
Master’s degree/PhD 56 (24%)
Prefer not to say 2 (1%)
Living situation
Alone 30 (13%)
With partner 167 (71%)
With children under 18 106 (45%)
With children over 18 29 (12%)
With parents 16 (7%)
With siblings 15 (6%)
With friends 4 (2%)
Other (parents-in-law, grandparents, lodger) 3 (1%)
Index of multiple deprivation
1 (most deprived) 31 (13%)
2 44 (19%)
3 45 (19%)
4 51 (22%)
5 (least deprived) 63 (27%)