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. 2024 Jul 9;10(15):e34321. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e34321

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

hADSC-Exo and VE delivery to synergistically against the UVB-induced photoaging in HaCaT cells. a-d Flow cytometric analysis of apoptotic cells in each group. Representative flow cytometric plots (a). b-d Statistical analysis of the results of flow apoptosis experiments in each group. The percentage of live cells (b). The percentage of early apoptosis cells (c). The stacked bar graphs indicate the mean percentage of viable, early apoptotic, and late apoptotic cells (d). e-f CCK8 assay. CCK8 assay was carried out to measure the cell growth in 48 h (e). Cell survival was determined by the CCK8 assay at 12 h (f). g and i SA-β-gal staining. Senescent cells showed a blue staining (g). Statistics of senescence in shown (i). h and j Transwell migration assay. Transwell migration image in each group (h). Quantification of transwell migration assay data (j). k and l ROS. Representative graphs of flow cytometry analysis for ROS levels in HaCaT cells (k). Detection of ROS level in HaCaT cells by DCF fluorescence (l). n = 3. Control, non-exposed HaCaT cells. UV, UVB-exposed HaCaT cells. UV + VE, VE-pretreated UVB-exposed HaCaT cells. UV + EXO, hADSC-Exo-pretreated UVB-exposed HaCaT cells. UV + VE + EXO, hADSC-Exo and VE-pretreated UVB-exposed HaCaT cells. Differences in five groups were assessed by Tukey's multiple comparison test one-way ANOVA, error bars represent S.E.M. Compared with control group, markered with *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. Compared with UV group, markered with #p < 0.05,##p < 0.01,###p < 0.001,####p < 0.0001. Compared with UV + EXO group, markered with $ p < 0.05,$$ p < 0.01,$$$ p < 0.001,$$$$ p < 0.0001.