Forest plot for TLR7 rare variant gene burden according to variant classification
(A) Odds ratios (ORs) of collapsed variants in TLR7 are shown for POPlowrisk at different minor allele frequency groups (MAF) and deleteriousness predictions (class). Within each group, results are presented for all individuals and for sex-stratified analyses. Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals. SYN, synonymous; C10+M1, CADD>10 or pLoF; bLoF, biochemical evidence for a loss-of-function effect; 3D-P, variant class based on 3D protein structure, see subjects and methods. SYN variants with MAF <0.001 were only present in controls (OR = 0.0, no confidence interval calculable).
(B) Presence of 3D-P TLR7 (MAF<0.1%) variant carriers (black dots) in all COVhosp individuals (gray blue), COVhosp with age <60 y (light blue) and COVhosp with no reported risk factors (“no RF,” dark blue). The number of individuals within each set is indicated by area and is specified in the outer legend. Percentages in brackets represent carrier ratios.