a, Representative flow cytometry plots of NK92 cells transduced with AAV-SB-HER2.CAR virus (MOI = 1 × 104 and 1 × 105), transduced with HER2.CAR lentivirus (MOI = 1 and 2.5), or electroporated with plasmid DNA (2 μg = 1 μg transposon plasmid + 1 μg transposase plasmid) at three different time points. b, Quantification of a. c, Flow-cytometry measurement of HER2.CAR expression in NK92 cells on day 33 after mRNA electroporation and AAV-SB-HER2.CAR viral transduction. d, Quantification of c. e, Cytolysis analysis of MCF7-PL (MCF7 with puromycin resistance and luciferase expression) cancer cells that were co-cultured with NK92-AAV-SBHER2.CAR cells. CAR-NKs were seeded at two E:T ratios, and a luciferase assay was performed at two time points (24 h and 48 h). Error bars, mean ± s.e.m. of three biological replicates.