Table 1.
Summary of the eligibility criteria for the review.
Inclusion criteria | Excluded |
National GP professional organization | Regional organizations |
Evidence based guidance or guideline development (i) Explicit method of development (ii) Includes literature review (iii) Reviewed by committee or experts (iv) Recommendation formation not necessary once distinction made between guidance and guideline |
Commentary Position statement |
Published by GP professional organizations (i) Produced de novo or by adaptation (ii) Open access on GP professional organization website and/or (iii) Peer review publication |
Collaborations with other non GP specialties or other guideline producing bodies Endorsements by other national or international guideline producing bodies GP organizations with members only access |
Published in the last 10 years | Publications >10 years old |
All languages | |
Patient clinical care | Governance document Policy document |
World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family Physicians (WONCA) definition of GP2 |