Genomic landscape of high-grade serous ovarian tumors with co-occurring BRCA and RB1 alterations. A, Pathogenic germline and somatic alterations in HR and DNA repair genes detected by whole-genome sequencing and DNA methylation analysis of 126 primary HGSC samples (27) are shown, as well as alterations in immune genes and CCNE1. Samples are grouped by HR and RB1 status. Bars at the top indicate the number of alterations in each listed gene per patient. Patients are annotated with survival group (LTS, long-term survivor, OS > 10 years; MTS, mid-term survivor, OS 2–10 years; STS, short-term survivor, OS < 2 years), tumor CHORD (41) scores, and the proportion of structural variant (SV) type (DEL, deletion; DUP, duplication; INV, inversion; ITX, intra-chromosomal translocation). B, Kaplan–Meier estimates of progression-free survival (left) and overall survival (right) of patients according to HR status (BRCA1-type HRD; BRCA2-type HRD; or HRP tumors) and RB1 status (altered vs. wild-type).