Change in cell-cell communications between CHD8 KO and controls. A) Difference in the total number of L-R interactions in KO vs control samples, with red and blue indicating an increase or decrease, respectively, in the KO samples. B) Difference in the total strength of L-R interactions in KO vs control samples, with same color code as “B”. C) Relative information flow between KO and control cells for all 55 cell-cell signaling pathways detected by CellChat. The bars show the relative signaling strength in KO (red) vs controls (cyan). The signaling names in colors were statistically significant (paired Wilcoxon rank test; p < 0.05), with red and cyan for stronger in the control and KO, respectively. The absence of significantly altered cell-cell signaling is depicted in black. D,E) Chord diagrams plotting L-R interactions for CNTN (D) and NRXN (E) networks. F) Violin plot showing the expression of CTNNB1. The expression in C3 (neuronal progenitors) was significantly reduced in KO (log2-fold change = −0.3, padj <1.7e-29). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)