Fig. 3. Regulatory and functional dissection of human ~ 12-h rhythms.
A Scatter plot demonstrating the log normalized p values of motifs identified for top 500 (ranked by meta p values) ~12-h (x axis) versus the ~24-h genes using the LISA program, with selective TFs highlighted. B Top motifs enriched at the promoters of ~top 500 12-h genes using the SeqPos motif tool in Galaxy/Cistrome. C A table listing the TFs whose motifs are enriched in the promoters of ~12-h genes and whose gene expression also exhibit ~12-h rhythms with meta adj-P less than 0.1. D Temporal expression of XBP1 in all three individuals. Criterions for IR are set as T > = 20, J > = 1, FPKM > = 2 and NE score > =0.9. Heatmap (left) and quantification (right) of temporal intron retention events, superimposed with the Z score normalized temporal expression of splicing genes exhibiting ~12-h rhythms (E). Statistics for IR and spicing gene expression ~12-h rhythms detection by RAIN (F).