Fig. 6.
Effects of plant accessions on the nodulation efficacy of B. japonicum (Bj) and S. fredii (Sf) and their respective effects on plants. A Comparisons of traits under two rhizobia treatments. Bj: B. japonicum; Ef: S. fredii; *** represents P < 0.001 in Student’s t-test. B Total nodule FW of the 20 mungbean accessions, showing differences among plant accessions and rhizobia species. Asterisks indicate significant differences (P < 0.05) under Tukey’s HSD test. C Comparison of RCC in mungbean inoculated with two different rhizobia species. Each panel represents RCC changes through time in one mungbean population. The North population had the strongest positive relationship between week and RCC with the presence of Bj, while the South population showed the weakest relationship with Bj. The lighter color range around every line represents 95% CI. Lines represent the analyses using all three time points (4, 5, and 6 weeks) and time as a continuous variable. Letters indicate significant differences (P < 0.05) between 4 and 6 weeks under Tukey’s HSD test in a statistical model, using only these two time points and time as a binary categorical variable. Color represents two treatments, orange: inoculation with Bj; green: inoculation with Sf