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. 2024 Aug 1;15:1385042. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2024.1385042

Table 6.

Overview of the above-mentioned studies investigating the relationship between BDNF and training.

Study Participants Parameters Results
Abbaspoor et al. (142) 20 female patients with MS Combined functional training or control group for 8 weeks, 3 days per week; measurement of BDNF and IGF1 No difference for BDNF, IGF1 increased in training group
Banitalebi et al. (148) 94 female pwMS 12 weeks (3sessions/week) supervised multimodal exercise program Increase of BDNF, NT3, NT4/5 levels
Begliuomini et al. (132) 34 male healthy controls BDNF serum levels (ELISA) every 4 h, 3 times per month Circadian variations of BDNF with cortisol
Birken et al. (143) 42 patients with progressive MS 9 weeks endurance exercise training; BDNF, Irisin and Il-6 measurement Increase of BDNF 30 min after bicycling; no changes after 22 sessions of training and no prolonged effects on Irisin and Il-6
Diechmann et al. (154) Metaanalysis (337 studies, 14 RCTs) Effect of exercise on neurotrophin levels 9 studies found between group differences for BDNF and 6 out of 12 studies favouring exercise
Dinoff et al. (157) Metaanalysis (29 studies) BDNF before and after exercise interventions for at least 2 weeks BDNF higher after intervention; significant in aerobic, but not resistance training
Dinoff et al. (156) Metaanalysis (55 studies) Effect of single-session training on BDNF levels Single-session training increased BDNF levels in healthy controlsLonger duration of exercises was associated with greater increases of BDNF in males but not in females with higher increases in plasma than in serum
Eftekhari und Etemadifar (149) 30 female pwMS Pilates 3 times per week for 8 weeks vs control group; BDNF and Il-10 measurement No changes in Il-10, but increase of BDNF in exercise group
Ferris et al. (158) 15 healthy controls 2 days 30-min endurance training on bike No significant change in BDNF correlation of BDNF with lactate cognition improved after all exercise conditions, but did not correlate with BDNF changes
Hakansson et al. (88) 23 healthy controls 35 minutes of aerobic exercice at moderate level, cognitive training through a computerized working memory training program or mindfulness practice using an app Increase of serum BDNF levels after aerobic training, but not after cognitive training oder mindfulness practicePositive association of serum BDNF levels and working memory function
Jørgensen et al. (141) 30 patients with RRMS 24 weeks of resistance training; measurement of BDNF and S1P levels No changes within or between groups
Khademosharie et al. (150) 24 pwMS 12 weeks resistance and endurance training, 3 sessions per week No changes in Il-10, butincrease of BDNF in exercise group
Loprinzi (73) Metaanalysis (52 studies: 26 animal studies, 15 in humans) Association of cognition and BDNF All animal studies showed improvement of memory, 97% increase of BDNF with 8 studies showing BDNF as mediator of the positive association of training and cognition.44% of the studies in humans found a positive association of BDNF and cognitive improvement with 40% of these assuming BDNF as mediator
Mandolesi et al. (166) Animal study (mice) Running wheel Positive effect on axonal damage and loss of myelin associated proteins
Mokhtarzade et al. (151) 63 patients with RRMS Cycling, 3 times a week for 8 weeks, measurement of s100b, NSE, IL10, TNF-a and neurotrophic factors BDNF and platelet derived factor increased
Naghibzadeh et al. (146) 26 patients with RRMS 4 groups (aquatic exercise, Swedish massage, aquatic exercise + Swedish massage, control group), 3 sessions per week, 30 min each for 8 weeks, measurement of BDNF 48 h before first and after last sessions BDNF and NGF increased in aquatic exercise alone as well as in combination with Swedish massage while Il-6 decreased
Okzul et al. (147) 36 pw MS, 18 healthy controls 8 weeks combined exercise training; measurement of SOCS1, SOCS4, BDNF Increase of BDNF after 8 weeks of exercise training
Reycraft et al. (160) 8 male healthy controls 4 weeks of exercise (moderate intensity continuous training; vigorous-intensity continuous training; sprint interval training; no exercise); BDNF before/ immediately after/ 30 minutes after/90 minutes after exercise BDNF increase depends on exercise intensity
Savsek et al. (152) 28 pwMS 12 weeks aerobic exercise twice a week, control group; BDNF measurement Only weak increase of BDNF but with positive effect on brain atrophy
Schmolesky et al. (161) 45 healthy male controls Six exercise conditions based on different intensities on cycle ergometers; BDNF measurement Increase of sBDNF by 32%, but without effect of exercise intensity or duration on the amount of BDNF increase
Schulz et al. (144) 28 pwMS (immune-endocrine measurements), 39 patients (coordination measurements) Aerobic training at 60% of VO2max for 30 min; measurement of cortisol, adrenocortico-relasing-hormone, epinephrine, norepinephrine, IL6, sIL6r, BDNF, NGF No effects on endocrine and immune parameters or neurotrophic factors, but improvement of Quality of Life and coordinative functions
Souza et al. (167) Animal study (mice) strength training, endurance and exercise training Improvement of clinical symptoms with decrease of proinflammatory cytokines (IFN-γ, IL-17, IL-1β), IL-6, MCP-1, TNF-α, and increase of CD25 and IL-10 levels
Szuhany et al. (162) Metaanalysis (29 studies) BDNF measurement after single-session vs. regular session exercise vs. resting levels following a program of regular exercise Moderate effect of single-session exercise on BDNF with greater effect after regular exercise; significant effect of sex with less increase of BDNF in women
Vaynman et al. (140) Animal study (rats) 4 groups (sedentary with control injection, exercise with contral injection; sedentary with KN-62 injection, exercise with KN-62 injection), voluntary exercise paradigm with running wheel CAMKII blocked the exercise-induced increase of BDNF and the transcription activator CREB
Waschbisch et al. (145) 83 patients with RRMS Groups based on subjective report on physical activity; Measurement of T-/B-/NK-cells, Monocytes, regulatory T-Cells; BDNF, Vitamin D, Spiroergomety and TCD No association of training with BDNF
Wens et al. (153) 22 pwMS, 19 healthy controls BDNF measurement after exercise program over 24 weeks (5 times per 2 weeks) or control group Significant increase of BDNF levels in exercise group
Wrann et al. (137) Animal study (mice) 30 days of endurance training; measurement of Fndc5 gene expression and BDNF (among others) Increase of BDNF expression by FNDC5, a muscle protein induced by exercise
Xie et al. (168) Animal study (mice) Swimming at moderate to high intensity for 6 weeks No influence on clinical symptoms but reduced infiltration of inflammatory cells and decreased demyelination of spinal cord, increase of IL-10 and TGF-β, as well as BDNF
Zimmer et al. (163) 60 pwMS High intensity aerobic exercise for 3 weeks vs. standard exercise programm; BICAMS, BDNF measurement Improvement of verbal memory, but no increase of BDNF levels