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. 2024 Aug 1;15:1417851. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2024.1417851


Age and baseline assessment of agitation and pain in the patients enrolled in the trial and subsequently allocated to the NanoBEO and placebo groups.

Baseline characteristics NanoBEO group (n = 14) Placebo group (n = 16) Statistical analysis: p-Value and 95% CI
Age (mean ± SD) 86.07 ± 7.26 87.50 ± 6.68 0.58 t-test
CMAI-frequency (F; median) 50.50 50.50 0.64 (−21.00; −11.00)
MWU test
CMAI-disruptiveness (D; median) 43.00 43.00 0.43 (−14.00; −6.00)
MWU test
I-MOBID2 (median) 5.5 3.00 0.17 (−3.00; 1.00)
MWU test

SD, standard deviation; CI, confidence intervals; I-MOBID2, Italian Mobilization–Observation–Behavior–Intensity–Dementia; MWU, Mann–Whitney U test.