Analysis of Hoechst and Pyronin Y stained PDX-ALL following co-culture with MSC
(A) Hoechst Pyronin Y analysis of untreated PDX-ALL cells, L707, indicating which stage of the cell cycle the cells reside in.
(B) Hoechst Pyronin Y analysis of 2.5 nM dexamethasone treatment on PDX- ALL cells, L707, after 2 days.
(C) Hoechst Pyronin Y analysis of 2.5 nM dexamethasone treatment on PDX- ALL cells, L707, after 7 days.
(D) Percentage of PDX-ALL cells in G0 when in the absence of treatment, after 2 days of 2.5 nM dexamethasone treatment and after 7 days of 2.5 nM dexamethasone treatment. N = 3.