Figure 3. FlexTPC can be used to fit the thermal performance of multiple traits with different shapes that typically require the choice of different TPC models.
We show Bayesian fits to egg viability (EV), probability of larval survival to adulthood (pLA), mosquito development rate (MDR), and female adult lifespan (lf) for Culex pipiens (top row) and Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes (bottom row). These traits have very different shapes and different TPC models have been used in the past to fit data from these traits. We compare the flexTPC model (green) with a previously used TPC functional form that varies by trait and species (purple, see Table 4 for the specific model for each trait). Lines correspond to posterior means and shaded regions to 95% credible intervals, which represent the uncertainty of the true value of the TPC at each temperature.