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[Preprint]. 2024 Aug 5:2024.08.01.606213. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.08.01.606213

Table 9.

Fixed-effect estimates for model of pupillary responses from 0 to 5.8 seconds time-locked to babble masker onset to examine the effect of SNR and age group (observations = 96,612, groups: participant x SNR = 332, participant = 63)

Fixed Effect Estimate SE 95% CI t p

Intercept 7.26 1.26 [ 4.79, 9.73] 5.76 < .001
otl 48.14 10.62 [ 27.33, 68.94] 4.53 < .001
ot2 −30.44 6.90 [−43.96, −16.92] −4.41 < .001
SNR 0 −0.43 1.80 [ −3.95, 3.09] −0.24 0.811
SNR 5 −3.45 1.80 [ −6.98, 0.07] −1.92 0.055
SNR 10 −3.53 1.80 [ −7.06, −0.01] −1.96 0.049
SNR 15 −3.72 1.77 [ −7.19, −0.25] −2.10 0.035
SNR 20 −2.32 1.80 [ −5.85, 1.20] −1.29 0.197
ot1 x SNR 0 44.77 14.58 [ 16.19, 73.34] 3.07 0.002
ot1 x SNR 5 7.21 14.59 [−21.39, 35.81] 0.49 0.621
ot1 x SNR 10 −11.30 14.59 [−39.90, 17.30] −0.77 0.439
ot1 x SNR 15 −16.19 14.34 [−44.29, 11.92] −1.13 0.259
ot1 x SNR 20 −13.08 14.58 [−41.65, 15.50] −0.90 0.370
ot2 x SNR 0 44.88 9.26 [ 26.73, 63.02] 4.85 < .001
ot2 x SNR 5 61.77 9.27 [ 43.60, 79.94] 6.66 < .001
ot2 x SNR 10 26.06 9.27 [ 7.88, 44.23] 2.81 0.005
ot2 x SNR 15 14.74 9.11 [ −3.11, 32.59] 1.62 0.105
ot2 x SNR 20 20.07 9.26 [ 1.92, 38.22] 2.17 0.030
Group (MA vs. YA) 1.03 1.85 [ −2.60, 4.65] 0.55 0.579
Group x SNR 0 1.53 2.64 [ −3.65, 6.70] 0.58 0.564
Group x SNR 5 1.87 2.63 [ −3.28, 7.02] 0.71 0.476
Group x SNR 10 −4.82e-03 2.60 [ −5.10, 5.10] −1.85e-03 0.999
Group x SNR 15 −1.26 2.62 [ −6.39, 3.88] −0.48 0.632
Group x SNR 20 −1.26 2.64 [ −6.44, 3.91] −0.48 0.632
ot1x Group −4.37 15.56 [−34.87, 26.14] −0.28 0.779
ot1 x Group x SNR 0 13.71 21.46 [−28.35, 55.77] 0.64 0.523
ot1 x Group x SNR 5 32.89 21.35 [ −8.94, 74.73] 1.54 0.123
ot1 x Group x SNR 10 24.20 21.16 [−17.26, 65.66] 1.14 0.253
ot1 x Group x SNR 15 15.46 21.28 [−26.25, 57.18] 0.73 0.468
ot1 x Group x SNR 20 8.97 21.45 [−33.07, 51.00] 0.42 0.676
ot2 x Group −4.89 10.11 [−24.70, 14.92] −0.48 0.628
ot2 x Group x SNR 0 3.18 13.65 [−23.57, 29.93] 0.23 0.816
ot2 x Group x SNR 5 −11.65 13.57 [−38.26, 14.96] −0.86 0.391
ot2 x Group x SNR 10 16.76 13.46 [ −9.62, 43.13] 1.24 0.213
ot2 x Group x SNR 15 14.82 13.53 [−11.70, 41.35] 1.10 0.273
ot2 x Group x SNR 20 12.19 13.63 [−14.54, 38.91] 0.89 0.371

Growth curve formula: lmer(Pupil ~ (ot1 + ot2)*Group*SNR + (0 + ot1 + ot2 | participant) + (ot1 + ot2 | participant:SNR), control = lmerControl(optimizer = ‘bobyqa’), REML = FALSE). Orthogonal polynomial terms: ot1 = linear (slope); ot2 = quadratic (curvature).