Figure 4. Unmethylated SNRPB chromatin accumulation is dependent on post-transcriptional mRNAs.
a) Co-immunoprecipitation of TMG followed western blotting for Sm proteins and mature snRNP components. b) Immunoblots of acid extracted chromatin following Coilin CRISPRi knockdowns. c) Immunoblots of nucleoplasm and chromatin fractions after nuclei treatment with RNase A/T1. d) Immunoblot of pulldown with oligodT-linked beads with crosslinked chromatin. A poly(A) competitor was used as a negative control for the pull-down. e) Schematic of cloned HA-SNRPB ORF with each flag representing a site of arginine mutation on the C-terminal tail. f) Immunoblot of acid extracted chromatin of inducible SNRPB construct overexpression with doxycycline treatment. g) Immunoblot of chromatin after inducing SNRPB WT and RtoA expression and a time course of DRB treatment.