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[Preprint]. 2024 Jul [Version 1] doi: 10.21203/

Figure 3: Compartment S is GC-poor, repeat-poor, and depleted in genes.

Figure 3:

Box plots showing distribution of genetic features including GC percentage, TE coverage, and gene coverage per 40 kb window of whole genome (n=11143) or within A (n=3294), B (n=5772), and S (n=1670), or per gene for gene expression (in TPM) (whole genome n=13869, in A n=7404, in B n=4500, in S n=608). Boxed regions correspond to data between the first to third quartile. Line indicates median of distribution while cross corresponds to mean. Whiskers extend to lowest and highest data points, excluding outliers, which have been removed. All distributions in each compartment for all features are significantly different from each other and from the genome-wide distribution by the Mann-Whitney (95%, two-tailed) U-test.