Table 2.
Essential components for diagnostic assessment.
▫ Presenting complaint(s). ▫ Full psychiatric history. ▫ Neurodevelopmental evaluation. ▫ Past medical history for potential differentials and contraindications to treatment. ▫ Semi-structured interview with open questions and elaboration; not merely a checklist; not simply “yes or no” questions; careful use of, not reliance on, questionnaires or rating scales- with adequate probing during the interview. All relevant areas of life (e.g., education, employment, leisure, relationships, daily task and health management) need to be reviewed in detail to establish the impact of symptoms and the degree of impairment. ▫ Explicit detailing of which DSM-5 symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity are present, pervasive, and persistent; and how they cause at least moderate impairment in at least two domains, with detailed illustrative examples. ▫ Discussion of independent evidence (informant-based and other objective data such as school reports) used to support the diagnosis. ▫ Consideration of differential diagnoses & comorbidity (including physical health comorbidity). |