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. 2024 Jun 11;22(3):297–315. doi: 10.1007/s12021-024-09668-4

Table 2.

The table summarizes compliance report for some OpenNeuro datasets that exhibit deviations in acquisition protocol. For each of these datasets, the table shows the modality, the associated suffix for various tasks/acquisition, the percentage of non-compliant & compliant subjects for each modality, and the parameters which were found to be non-compliant i.e. Repetition Time (TR), Echo Time (TE), and Flip Angle (FA). Some minor cases were observed in Phase Encoding Direction (PED), Phase Encoding Steps (PES), Sequence Variant and Pixel Bandwidth (PB). Thus, mrQA provides the ability to automatically discover scanner-related variance in MR datasets. Automatic compliance checks are especially important for large datasets which exhibit non-compliance rate below 1% because manual/ad-hoc checks are ineffective at detecting these subtle issues

Dataset Modality Differentiating Entitiesb Vendor #Non-Compliant Subjects Total Subjects Parameters #Compliant Subjects
dwi 21 27.63% 76 PB 55 72.36%
ds000201 fmap GE 24 28.23% 85 PED, PB, TR 61 71.76%
ds003826 anat t1w Siemens 2 1.47% 136 PES, SV 134 98.52%
anat acq-cube_t2w 39 25.49% 153 TE, TR 114 74.5%
dwi dir-unflipped 2 1.39% 143 PB 141 98.6%
fmap acq-bold 1 1.69% 59 PED 58 98.3%
fmap acq-dwi 2 3.03% 66 PED, PB 64 96.96%
func task-rest_dir-forward 6 4.61% 130 FA, PED 124 95.38%
func task-rest_dir-reverse 40 31% 129 FA, PED 89 68.99%
ds004215 perf asl GE 1 0.7% 142 TR 141 99.29%
anat t1w 92 34.71%a 265 PES, PB 173 65.28%
dwi 112 42.74% 262 PB, TR 150 57.25%
func task-bart 7 2.66% 263 PED 256 97.33%
func task-bht 8 3.1% 258 PED 250 96.89%
func task-pamnec 5 2.41% 207 PED 202 97.58%
func task-pamret 6 2.88% 208 PED 202 97.11%
func task-rest 9 3.35% 268 PED 259 96.64%
func task-scap 9 3.35% 268 PED 259 96.64%
func task-stopsignal 9 3.38% 266 PED 257 96.61%
ds000030 func task-taskswitch Siemens 9 3.38% 266 PED 257 96.61%
fmap acq-GE 1 0.31% 317 PED 316 99.68%
fmap acq-SE 1 0.44% 227 PED 226 99.55%
ds000221 func task-rest_acq-PA Siemens 14 7.07% 198 TE 184 92.92 %
ds002345 func task-milkway Siemens 17 32.07%a 53 TR 36 67.92 %
ds000228 func task-pixar Siemens 3 1.93% 155 FA 152 98.06 %
ds000258 func task-rest Siemens 4 4.49%a 85 TR 85 95.5%
ds002785 dwi Philips 33 15.63%a 211 TR 178 84.36%
ds004169 anat t1w 27 2.24% 1202 FA, PES, PB, TR 1175 97.75%
func task-nback 3 0.25% 1189 FA, PED 1186 99.74%
func task-rest Siemens 2 0.19% 1029 FA, PED 1027 99.8%

aThere are minor differences in parameter values. See dicussion

bFor BIDS datasets, entities correspond to an altered acquisition parameter