RNAseq transcriptomic analysis of cardiac tissue and PBMC following IRI. Heart tissues were homogenized in Trizol. PBMC were isolated over lymphocyte separation media and resuspended in Trizol. RNA was extracted from heart and PBMC samples by Trizol preparation with isopropanol precipitation. One μg of total RNA was used for RNAseq. (a) Native heart from RCMV- transplant recipient at POD3 (cohort 2) compared to a non-transplanted control heart (cohort 1), (b) Graft heart from RCMV- transplant recipient at POD3 (cohort 2) compared to a non-transplanted control heart (cohort 1), (c) FDR-cutoffs and regulated gene counts for heart tissue comparisons. (d) PBMC isolated from whole blood of a RCMV- transplant recipient at POD3 (cohort 2) compared to PBMC isolated from whole blood of a non-transplanted control animal (cohort 1), (e) FDR-cutoffs and regulated gene counts for PBMC heart tissues. Genes showing fold-change greater than 2 (Heart) or 1.5 (PBMC) with an FDR adjusted p-value of 0.05 are shown in green in volcano plots (a, b, d) and were selected for further investigation.