Examples of POs developed in the 1970s and 1980s. (a) Picture of Takuo Aoyagi. Reprinted with permission from IEEE. (b) OLV-5100 PO by Nihon Kohden Corporation, patented by T. Aoyagi. Shown is the main part of the device (left) and the ear probe attached (right). Reprinted from Severinghaus and Honda,6 with permission from the publisher. (c) Picture of Susumu Nakajima. Reprinted with permission from NHK World-Japan. (d) The world’s first clinical applications of POs: the test of Aoyagi’s device by S. Nakajima at Sapporo Misumai National Sanatorium with a patient with respiratory failure after thoracoplasty for tuberculosis treatment (left) and the first clinical application of a finger-clip PO (OXIMET Met-1471) at Misumai Sanatorium by S. Nakajima in a patient suffering from hypoxemia post-surgery. Both images were obtained by S. Nakajima, with permission for publication. Both original photos have been edited by us to improve the quality (color and contrast). (e) OXIMET Met-1471 PO (Minolta Camera, Co., Ltd.). Reprinted from Miyasaka et al.,46 with permission from the publisher. (f) Biox II PO (Ohmeda). Picture from pulmonary function tests history.160 (g) N-100 PO (Nellcor). Reprinted from Miyasaka et al.,46 with permission from the publisher. (h) Biox 3700 PO (Ohmeda). Picture from DOTmed WebStore.161