Fig. 3. Examples of findings from multiomics GWAS, EWAS, and TWAS associations.
A Glycome GWAS revealed associations between ST3GAL1 variants and IgA1 glycosylation. (Referee to SD2 and SD7 as the data source); B miRNA regulation throughout genetic and epigenetic changes as determined with GWAS and EWAS. (Referee to SD2, SD4, and SD8 as the data source); C Venn diagram showing an overlap between molecules associated with gene transcripts of GATA2, HDC, MS4A3, and FCER1A but not PDK4. (Referee to SD9 as the data source); D Ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA) revealed potential interaction between GATA2, HDC, MS4A3, and FCER1A but not PDK4; E The molecules associated with PDK4. (Referee to ST9 as the data source); F Associations between lipids structures and GATA2, HDC, MS4A3 and FCER1A. (Referee to SD9 as the data source). Molecules measured across platforms are depicted by different colors: DNA (light blue), Methylation (dark blue), RNA (violet), IgA (red), BRAIN (orange), BM (yellow), HDF, PM, UM, CM (green) form the multiomics network.