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. 2024 Aug 19;7(8):e2429137. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.29137

Table. Distributions of Selected Characteristics in the Overall Study Population and Stratified Populations in the All of Us Research Program.

Characteristic No. (%)
Total (N = 210 554) Contextual deprivation Annual household income, $ Race and ethnicity
Less deprived (n = 108 438) More deprived (n = 102 116) ≥50 000 (n = 84 840) <50 000 (n = 81 327) Non-Hispanic Black (n = 40 767) Non-Hispanic White (n = 118 049)
Incident MI
Incident No. 954 604 350 309 432 288 521
Incidence rate, per 100 person-years 0.14 0.16 0.12 0.12 0.15 0.20 0.14
Incident stroke
Incident No. 1407 853 554 426 634 426 732
Incidence rate, per 100 person-years 0.20 0.23 0.18 0.16 0.23 0.30 0.19
Atherosclerotic CVD history
No 185 918 (88.3) 94 871 (87.5) 91 047 (89.2) 75 672 (89.2) 71 507 (87.9) 36 571 (89.7) 102 395 (86.7)
Yes 24 636 (11.7) 13 567 (12.5) 11 069 (10.8) 9168 (10.8) 9820 (12.1) 4196 (10.3) 15 654 (13.3)
No 115 250 (54.7) 59 872 (55.2) 55 378 (54.2) 52 132 (61.4) 40 636 (50.0) 18 434 (45.2) 66 632 (56.4)
Yes 95 304 (45.3) 48 566 (44.8) 46 738 (45.8) 32 708 (38.6) 40 691 (50.0) 22 333 (54.8) 51 417 (43.6)
Type 2 diabetes
No 187 067 (88.8) 96 172 (88.7) 90 895 (89.0) 77 804 (91.7) 70 615 (86.8) 33 849 (83.0) 107 589 (91.1)
Yes 23 487 (11.2) 12 266 (11.3) 11 221 (11.0) 7036 (8.3) 10 712 (13.2) 6918 (17.0) 10 460 (8.9)
Female 125 101 (59.4) 64 500 (59.5) 60 601 (59.3) 50 051 (59.0) 49 196 (60.5) 23 802 (58.4) 69 513 (58.9)
Male 80 945 (38.4) 41 646 (38.4) 39 299 (38.5) 34 209 (40.3) 30 896 (38.0) 16 239 (39.8) 47 474 (40.2)
Other 2329 (1.1) 1210 (1.1) 969 (0.9) 530 (0.6) 1091 (1.3) 638 (1.6) 964 (0.8)
Missing 2179 (1.0) 1082 (1.0) 1247 (1.2) 50 (0.1) 144 (0.2) 88 (0.2) 98 (0.1)
Age, y
36-50 52 391 (24.9) 24 882 (23.0) 27 509 (26.9) 20 338 (24.0) 21 813 (26.8) 10 090 (24.8) 24 011 (20.3)
51-65 73 935 (35.1) 35 250 (32.5) 38 685 (37.9) 26 230 (30.9) 31 210 (38.4) 19 373 (47.5) 35 413 (30.0)
>65 84 228 (40.0) 48 306 (44.5) 35 922 (35.2) 38 272 (45.1) 28 304 (34.8) 11 304 (27.7) 58 625 (49.7)
Underweight 2321 (1.1) 1095 (1.0) 1226 (1.2) 731 (0.9) 1015 (1.2) 624 (1.5) 1240 (1.1)
Normal 47 465 (22.5) 25 806 (23.8) 21 659 (21.2) 22 120 (26.1) 15 718 (19.3) 7868 (19.3) 29 160 (24.7)
Overweight 62 941 (29.9) 33 988 (31.3) 28 953 (28.4) 27 872 (32.9) 21 904 (26.9) 10 380 (25.5) 36 658 (31.1)
Obese 89 192 (42.4) 43 318 (39.9) 45 874 (44.9) 30 944 (36.5) 39 850 (49.0) 21 186 (52.0) 45 350 (38.4)
Missing 8635 (4.1) 4231 (3.9) 4404 (4.3) 3173 (3.7) 2840 (3.5) 709 (1.7) 5641 (4.8)
Smoking status
Never 113 858 (54.1) 60 196 (55.5) 53 662 (52.6) 52 722 (62.1) 36 233 (44.6) 18 853 (46.2) 62 588 (53.0)
Former 56 217 (26.7) 31 684 (29.2) 24 533 (24.0) 26 265 (31.0) 19 744 (24.3) 6693 (16.4) 39 156 (33.2)
Current 34 694 (16.5) 13 763 (12.7) 20 931 (20.5) 4020 (4.7) 23 018 (28.3) 13 644 (33.5) 13 647 (11.6)
Missing 5785 (2.7) 2795 (2.6) 2990 (2.9) 1833 (2.2) 2332 (2.9) 1577 (3.9) 2658 (2.3)
Health insurance
Uninsured 10 182 (4.8) 2818 (2.6) 7364 (7.2) 633 (0.7) 6048 (7.4) 3718 (9.1) 2534 (2.1)
Insured 193 191 (91.8) 102 549 (94.6) 90 642 (88.8) 83 693 (98.6) 72 998 (89.8) 35 449 (87.0) 114 213 (96.8)
Missing 7181 (3.4) 3071 (2.8) 4110 (4.0) 514 (0.6) 2281 (2.8) 1600 (3.9) 1302 (1.1)
Contextual deprivation 115 594 (54.9)
Less deprived 94 960 (45.1) NA NA 56 231 (66.3) 38 587 (47.4) 12 277 (30.1) 78 214 (66.3)
More deprived 115 594 (54.9) NA NA 28 609 (33.7) 42 740 (52.6) 28 490 (69.9) 39 835 (33.7)
Household income, $ per year
<35 000 65 776 (31.2) 27 481 (25.3) 38 295 (37.5) NA NA 22 507 (55.2) 25 649 (21.7)
35 000-<50 000 15 551 (7.4) 8164 (7.5) 7387 (7.2) NA NA 2544 (6.2) 9811 (8.3)
50 000-<75 000 21 588 (10.3) 12 150 (11.2) 9438 (9.2) NA NA 2434 (6.0) 15 667 (13.3)
≥75 000-<150 000 38 834 (18.4) 24 380 (22.5) 14 454 (14.2) NA NA 2274 (5.6) 31 080 (26.3)
≥150 000 24 418 (11.6) 16 973 (15.7) 7445 (7.3) NA NA 741 (1.8) 20 305 (17.2)
Missing 44 387 (21.1) 19 290 (17.8) 25 097 (24.6) NA NA 10 267 (25.2) 15 537 (13.2)
Race and ethnicity
Hispanic 35 091 (16.7) 13 951 (12.9) 21 140 (20.7) 6003 (7.1) 15 979 (19.6) NA NA
Non-Hispanic Black 40 767 (19.4) 11 742 (10.8) 29 025 (28.4) 5449 (6.4) 25 051 (30.8) NA NA
Non-Hispanic White 118 049 (56.1) 73 483 (67.8) 44 566 (43.6) 67 052 (79.0) 35 460 (43.6) NA NA
Otherb 16 647 (7.9) 9262 (8.5) 7385 (7.2) 6336 (7.5) 4837 (5.9) NA NA

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CVD, cardiovascular disease; MI, myocardial infarction; NA, not applicable.


Body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared): underweight, less than 18.5; normal weight, 18.5 to 25; overweight, 25 to 30; and obese, greater than 30.


This category includes respondents who identified their race and ethnicity as American Indian, Asian, more than 1 race and ethnicity, and any other of those listed.