Membrane-tethered bioPROTAC abrogates CAR T cell signaling
in primary
human T cells. (A) bioPROTAC(membrane) coexpression reduced CAR expression
in primary T cells. “% CAR remaining” is the background
subtracted median CAR fluorescence normalized to the median fluorescence
of background subtracted CAR only control. Dots represent technical
replicates and error show SEM. Label above bars represent the antigen
expressed on K562 target cells. (B) bioPROTAC(membrane) expression
completely inhibited CAR cytotoxicity. Using flow cytometry, we measured
CAR T cell cytotoxicity against CD19 expressing or no antigen K562s
when cocultured at a 1:1 E:T ratio. Dots represent technical replicates,
and error shows SEM. Labels above bars represent the antigen expressed
on K562 target cells. (C) bioPROTAC(membrane) prevented upregulation
of CD25. CD25 levels were measured by immunostaining followed by flow
cytometry. Dots represent technical replicates, and error shows SEM.
Labels above bars represent the antigen expressed on K562 target cells.
(D) bioPROTAC(membrane) ablated CAR cytotoxicity even at high E:T
ratios during a 72 h time course. Engineered T cell lines described
above were challenged with Nalm6 cells at an E:T ratio of 3:1 and
assayed for target cell clearance by live cell microscopy. Target
cell survival was measured and analyzed using Incucyte software and
hardware. Each dot represents the mean of three technical replicates
and error shows SEM. (E) bioPROTAC(membrane) stifled CAR T cell proliferation
and survival. In the same assay as described in panel D, we observed
T cell population numbers by GFP fluorescence over 72 h by Incucyte
image analysis. Each dot represents the mean of three technical replicates,
and error shows SEM. An unpaired t test was used
for all statistical comparisons. *P < 0.01; n.s.
= not significant