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. 2024 Jul 11;9(8):e00416-24. doi: 10.1128/msystems.00416-24

Fig 5.

Chart shows the presence of specific enzymes in various microbes, including Acetobacter, Methanobacterium, and others. Enzymes labeled at the bottom include CoAT, HAD, ECH, ETF, ACAT (Thiolase II), TTE, RNF, with P indicating presence in metaproteome.

Absence or presence of nine enzymes involved in the RBOX pathway (acronyms described previously) in reactor de-novo assembled metagenomes and proteomes as monitored by shotgun metagenomics analysis and proteomics. MAG taxonomy was assigned using gtdb-tk (r220). Enzyme acronyms were described in Fig. 1. A blue box denotes the presence in the metagenome, the letter P the presence in the metaproteome, and a white box without a P the absence in both the metagenome and metaproteome. MAGs identified to species level are depicted. A * indicates high-quality MAGs >90% complete and <5% contaminated (determined with CheckM).