Figure 2.
Detection of increased blood pressure in patients without diagnosed hypertension (A); in all patients (B) during community pharmacy blood pressure (CPBP) measurement – based on Waszyk-Nowaczyk et al (2020) [14]. SC – standard counseling session*; IC – intensive counseling session**; HRC – high-risk consultation***; HE – education in hypertension****. * It involves patient education about proper lifestyle and HTN prevention (eg, diet, physical activity). ** It might be expanded to include more detailed information considering the identified risk factors and lifestyle modification. Such advice should be tailored to the individual patient. For example, smokers should be informed that tobacco smoking is the single largest preventable cause of death, and is a significant risk factor of cardiovascular disease; they should also be encouraged and counseled regarding smoking cessation. *** If the average reading obtained from the measurements is at least 140 mmHg (systolic blood pressure, SBP) and/or 90 mmHg (diastolic blood pressure, DBP), the pharmacist can qualify the patient for a HRC with IC, bearing in mind possible development of HTN, as well as discussing risk factors for the disease. **** It would be valuable to tailor the pharmacist-led education to an individual patient with diagnosed hypertension and include information on whether the therapeutic targets set by the attending physician have been met. Education about healthy lifestyle, adherence to the doctor’s recommendations, or proper techniques of taking BP measurement could be also provided if needed.