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. 2024 Aug 14;32(8):1444–1454.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.chom.2024.07.010

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Study design and microbiome composition differences between the AB+ and AB− groups of infants

(A) Study design.

(B) Alpha diversity of the microbiome at the species level represented by Shannon diversity index.

(C) Species richness defined as the total number of non-zero species calculated at the species level. In (B) and (C), x axis depicts the time point after birth in weeks (weeks 1–6). p values are derived from a linear mixed-effect model without correction for other phenotypes. Boxplots visualize the median, hinges (25th and 75th percentiles), and whiskers extending up to 1.5 times the interquartile range from the hinges.

(D) Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) plot using Aitchison distances. Dot color indicates feeding mode of the infant at each time point.

(E) Leading TCAM factors. Colors indicate the major feeding mode of the infant over 6 weeks of life. Each dot represents one infant. p value derived from a PERMANOVA test with 10,000 permutations without correction for other phenotypes.

(F) PCoA plot using Aitchison distances. Dot color indicates AB+ or AB− group.

(G) Leading TCAM factors. p value derived from a PERMANOVA test with 10,000 permutations without correction for other phenotypes. When correcting for infant feeding mode and maternal BMI, p value is 0.10 (Table S2C). Dot color indicates AB+ or AB− group. Each dot represents one infant. In (B)–(D) and (F), the sample sizes at each of the time points are as follows: group AB+: W01 (n = 12), W02 (n = 11), W03 (n = 12), W04 (n = 12), W05 (n = 12), W06 (n = 12); group AB−: W01 (n = 14), W02 (n = 14), W03 (n = 15), W04 (n = 15), W05 (n = 15), W06 (n = 15). In (E) and (G), sizes for each of the groups are as follows: AB+ (n = 12), AB− (n = 16).