Fig. 3.
Transplantation of PNPs into immunodeficient mice. (a). Two months after transplantation of PNPs into the brains of immunodeficient mice. Engrafted PNPs in cerebral cortex projected axons downward to the deeper layers of the brain. (b). The amplified area of the white box in figure a, which highlighted the projected axons. (c). Axon projection two months after transplantation of PNPs into the corpus collosum. The red arrow indicated the end point of a detected axon. (d). The area outlined in the white box in figure c. CC, corpus callosum. (e). One month after transplantation of PNPs into the spinal cord. Axons projected along the white matter of the spinal cord. The red arrow head indicated the end of a long-projected axon, which was about 4.5 mm from the engraftment site. Figure f was the magnified view of the inset in e. (dor, dorsal; ros, rostral; WM, white matter). Bar, 100 μm