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. 2024 Jan 17;4(4):20220174. doi: 10.1002/EXP.20220174


Summary of N‐doped graphene catalysts for the ORR.

Catalyst Synthetic method Electrolyte E onset (vs RHE) E 1/2 (vs RHE) Electron transfer (n) Tafel slope (mV dec‐1) J L (mA cm‐1) Ref.
NrGO800 Thermal annealing 0.1 m NaOH 0.88 V 0.76 V 3.66 65.4 [99]
NrGO‐900 Pyrolysis 0.1 m KOH 0.99 V 0.84 V 4 [100]
NrGO Thermal annealing 0.1 m NaOH 1.03 V 0.84 V 3.5 [103]
NGS4‐900 Pyrolysis 0.1 m KOH 0.984 V 0.859 V 3.9 72 5.98 [102]
PCNs Thermal annealing 0.1 m KOH −0.02 V (vs Ag/AgCl) 3.49–3.67 4.6 [127]
N‐doped graphene Hydrothermal and microwave treatments 0.1 m KOH −0.056 V (vs Ag/AgCl) ≈4 3.91 [128]
1‐NGF‐9 Thermal annealing 0.1 m KOH 0.89 V ≈4 5.30 [129]
10N‐G‐800 Pyrolysis 0.1 m KOH 0.930 V 3.99 60 5.13 [130]
N‐G‐1000 Pyrolysis 0.1 m KOH 0.982 V 0.862 V 3.92 72 5.48 [131]
B‐rGO Hydrothermal 0.1 m KOH 0.833 V 0.671 V 3.7 76 4.1 [112]
PN‐BG Hydrothermal treatment and electrochemical deposition 0.1 m KOH 3.8–4.0 [113]
S‐doped graphene nanosheet Electrochemical exfoliation 0.1 m NaOH 0.810 V 3.93 −50.8 [132]
F‐doped graphene Thermal treatment 0.1 m KOH −0.28 V (vs Ag/AgCl) 3.9–4.05 55 [133]
N, S co‐doped Graphene Three‐step pyrolysis 0.1 m KOH 1.01 V 0.870 V 3.975 5.99 [134]
B&N‐rGO Pyrolysis 0.1 m KOH 0.850 V 3.5 61.8 [135]
B,N‐Graphene Two‐step pyrolysis 0.1 m KOH 0.06 V (vs Ag/AgCl) 13.87 [114]
HRBNG Microwave hydrothermal 0.1 m KOH 0.93 V 3.84 [115]
NB/GO_55_700 Ultrasonication and thermal annealing 0.1 m KOH 0.82 V 3.98 43 2.43 [116]
NBC‐1000 Thermal annealing 0.1 m KOH 0.97 V 0.84 V 3.93 5.4 [136]
P‐N‐Gr Two step thermal annealing 0.1 m KOH 1.005 V 0.82 V 3.95 67 5.98 [137]
NP‐PrGO‐1100 Pyrolysis 0.1 m KOH 0.913 V 0.819 V 4 78 5.48 [138]
NCN‐1000‐5 Pyrolysis 0.1 m KOH 0.95 V 0.82 V 3.92 86 6.43 [119]
NDGs‐800 Pyrolysis 0.1 m KOH 0.98 V 0.85 V ≈4 81 5.6 [120]
N‐doped carbon nanoribbon Pyrolysis 0.1 m KOH 0.99 V 0.870 V 3.9 78 5.8 [139]
N and S co‐doped carbon Wet chemical 50 mm PBS 0.769 V 0.613 V 3.76–4.02 4.773 [140]
N and P co‐doped porous carbon Pyrolysis 0.1 m KOH 0.98 V 0.870 V 3.93 6.24 [141]
N‐doped carbon/graphene Pyrolysis 0.1 m KOH 0.922 V 0.524 V 1.85 [142]
N‐doped graphitic porous carbon Carbonization 0.1 m KOH −0.04 V (vs Ag/AgCl) −0.18 V (vs Ag/AgCl) 3.92 5.7 [143]
S, N dual‐doped graphene‐like carbon nanosheets Pyrolysis 0.1 m KOH 0.950 V 0.830 V 3.6–3.9 4.86 [144]
N‐doped graphdiyne Pyrolysis 0.1 m KOH 0.899 V 3.8 −4.5 [124]
N, F co‐doped graphdiyne Pyrolysis 0.1 m KOH 1.0 V 4.2 [125]
N‐doped few‐layer graphdiyne Pyrolysis 0.1 m KOH 0.87 V 3.9 60 [145]
N‐doped porous graphdiyne Pyrolysis 0.1 m KOH 0.98 V 0.83 V 3.5 74 5.1 [146]
N, P‐co‐doped graphdiyne Thermal annealing 0.1 m KOH 3.62–3.68 58 [147]